Sentences with phrase «several language tests»

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The requirement that NYC taxi drivers take an English proficiency exam has been eliminated, with the test for a taxi license now available in several languages after a push by the City Council to remove a barrier for would - be drivers.
«This technique allows you to quickly test several candidate languages to see which is closest,» she says.
Several years ago, Kandler and her colleagues decided to make a mathematical model of the speakers of an endangered language, to provide a kind of test environment for programs that encourage the learning of local languages.
In tests on several common algorithms, programs written in the new language were four times as fast as those written in existing languages.
For example, while these five urban charter schools offer an existence proof that high standardized test scores are possible and within the grasp of every student in this country, it is equally true that the several practices of successful traditional schools in areas such as special education, the arts, or second language proficiency, offer insights for the charter world.
«The beauty of the weather balloon project is that it's something captivating that provides many points of entry,» says Smith, «whether you're a student in an engineering class working on how to build a structure that's going to survive a fall from several thousand meters, or if you're in a science classroom trying to ask good scientific inquiry questions that could be tested, or if you're in language arts and you want to write a creative piece about what the balloon's journey might be.»
These data were school - wide results on state - mandated tests of language and mathematics at several grade levels over three years (2003 to 2005).
If you're more interested in the English language standards, an NPR reporter took a practice test similar to one that students will use in several states, and explained how it was different from the old tests.
Lipshutz said after the lawsuit was filed, several of the school districts amended their contracts to remove the language prohibiting the use of standardized test scores in teacher evaluations.
The team employed several routines and activities to promote student agency and achieve their aim, including the revising work and tests routine, the everyday growth mindset language routine, the introductory growth mindset activity, the challenge problems activity, the daily mindfulness routine, and the stress reappraisal activity.
In search of approaches to improve teaching and learning in middle schools, CREATE researchers tested several research interventions in science, social studies, and language arts classrooms with English language learners from the 2005 - 2006 school year to 2008 - 2009.
Utilizing the principles of universal design, these accessibility resources include Braille, stacked Spanish translations, videos in American Sign Language, glossaries provided in 10 languages and several dialects, as well as translated test directions in 19 languages.
These data comprised school - wide results on statemandated tests of language and mathematics at several grade levels over three years (2003 to 2005).
According to West Virginia MetroNews» Brad McElhinny, West Virginia's final ESSA plan — recently approved by the U.S. Education Department — included several changes based on feedback from the federal agency, including how much weight the state «gives to different areas of its academic accountability system,» whether or not the state properly holds counties accountable for English - language proficiency, and the «viability of locally - selected tests in lower grades.»
But the NUT said candidates who needed several resits to pass the tests were dyslexic, had English as an additional language, or were less familiar with the on - line testing system.
Diegnan said he also won some language that student test scores alone would not be a determinant factor in a teacher's evaluation, but one of several.
This certification requires writers to complete several tests and submit sample resumes to prove their command over the English language and resume writing.
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