Sentences with phrase «several moons»

But there are several moons in our solar system that spin opposite of their host.
That puts Dione in good company alongside Enceladus (another moon of Saturn) and several moons of Jupiter, as well as possibly Pluto (SN Online: 9/23/16).
That's why we work closely with several Moon Shot ™ research engines, pharmaceutical companies, state education systems and policy makers to impact lung cancer treatment, detection and prevention.
To boost the impact of our pioneering colorectal cancer research, our projects rely on the expertise of several Moon Shot platforms, including Proteomics, IACS, Center for Co-Clinical Trials and Cancer Genomic Laboratory.
We could have life on several moons in our own solar system because of the nature of extremophiles..
Cut several moon shapes from yellow craft foam.
As the planet coalesced during the birth of the solar system more than 4.5 billion years ago, the swirling disk of gas surrounding it included several moons about the size of Titan, Saturn's largest remaining satellite, which is about 50 % larger than Earth's moon.
Several moons ago, we made a little indie movie called Super Troopers, which we debuted at Sundance in 2001.
Planet b's atmosphere evaporating in a comet - like trail with several moons, as imagined by Whatmough.
Although no compelling evidence of extraterrestrial life has yet been found, the possibility that biota might be a common feature of the universe has been strengthened by the discovery of extrasolar planets (planets around other stars), by the strong suspicion that several moons of Jupiter and Saturn might have vast reserves of liquid water, and by the existence of microorganisms called extremophiles that are tolerant of environmental extremes.
Along with Earth, a couple of dwarf planets and several moons have shown evidence of water, in one form or another.
Several moons ago, Valerie worked in communications as a federal public servant.
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