Sentences with phrase «several obstacles»

The phrase "several obstacles" means that there are multiple difficulties or challenges present. Full definition
The act ran into several obstacles in past sessions.
Parents of young children face several obstacles when it comes to keeping a tidy home.
This is another breed that comes with several obstacles for a trainer to overcome, and you may be surprised that they are one of the hardest dog breeds to train.
Recent first - time buyers have had to navigate several obstacles to homeownership, including higher rents and home prices, tight inventory conditions and repaying student loan debt.
Dating online can introduce several obstacles and dating Russian women in this way inevitably brings additional barriers to overcome.
Life can be difficult and overwhelming at times; it can present several obstacles and surprises.
However, he informed potential clients several days beforehand that there were several obstacles in place that prevented him from going ahead with the launch.
It's difficult to judge the console based on so little information, but it's obviously going to face several obstacles.
When you walk into the pet store you are met with several obstacles.
The AFC Champions overcame several obstacles thrown at them and finished the regular season 14 - 2.
Rob Reiner's directorial debut, This is Spinal Tap follows the three primary members of a fading heavy metal outfit (Michael McKean's David St. Hubbins, Christopher Guest's Nigel Tufnel, and Harry Shearer's Derek Smalls) as they attempt to keep their collective careers going in the face of several obstacles.
Unfortunately, many 20 - somethings encounter several obstacles when searching for... View Article
The AFC Champions overcame several obstacles thrown at them and finished the regular season...
Although I am very grateful that my employer is so open to this idea, I am also worried that despite having 3 babies worth of experience that I will run up against several obstacles.
The prime minister is expected to offer a referendum to voters after renegotiation of powers in Brussels but several obstacles stand in his way — not least winning a Commons majority and getting European states to agree to the negotiations while they have their hands full with the eurozone crisis.
However, several obstacles remain to be overcome, in particular that of miniaturization: optical fiber makes it difficult to confine light within volumes of less than a micrometer (10 - 6 meters).
It's those fish, all of that aquatic - based marine life that makes these levels difficult, because otherwise swimming to the end while avoiding several obstacles isn't very challenging at all.
Agility trials involve several obstacles in which the dog performs various tasks, including jumping over poles, running through tunnels and weaving through posts.
Our CEO, Lee Odden, has long been an evangelist for working with influencers, believing that influencers can help brands bypass several obstacles.
In general, best umbrella strollers lack as several options as a regular model, leading to a lighter a lot of compact stroller that's not an associate degree cross-country friendly vehicle, however, is meant primarily for those protrusive to flat surfaces while not several obstacles.
Several obstacles exist, depending on the application.
Directed by James Cruze, the 1923 silent film is about a group of pioneers traveling through the old West in 1848 from Kansas to Oregon, encountering several obstacles along the way.
While completing your HRM homework students come across several obstacles that are explained below -
Adventure Playground has several obstacles including relay, wet station, mud station, wall climb, hill up, hill down, military crawl, and balance logs.
The development [of Xenoblade Chronicles X] did have its twists and turns, but we were able to finish up (just a little more until it's complete) Xenoblade Chronicles X in the sci - fi world we aimed for from the beginning in a seamless open - world with online play, and I feel that we were able to overcome several obstacles as far as game development goes.
He must run through several obstacle courses collecting swords and other items along the way.
You face unrelenting pressure to meet client demands for responsiveness, productivity and security yet several obstacles hinder your ability to effectively and efficiently serve your client...
The quality of these programs is essential, and recent studies highlight several obstacles to building a high - quality early childhood workforce — obstacles that undercut even the best efforts to reach and sustain classroom quality.
Prospective first - time buyers in recent years have had to navigate several obstacles on their path to homeownership, including higher rents and home prices, tight inventory conditions and repaying student loan debt.
Complete with an interactive zone and test track, product specialists will chauffeur participants through a course comprised of several obstacles that simulate some of the rigorous testing that Jeep vehicles endure before customers get behind the wheel.
Pending home sales fell in October — the fifth consecutive monthly decline — as home buyers find themselves up against several obstacles.
Despite increased innovation in ed tech, the CAP report pointed out several obstacles standing in the way of smart approaches to classroom technology.
After Finnegan and Freiburger practice in each car, they go for the timed event where they tried to avoid several obstacles.
This alternate route led the bikers to an area with several obstacles that had been built by a local bike association.
Kim Hilling, Morgantown Campus Director, said of her, «Tatiana is an example of someone who had overcome several obstacles in life and while attending Ross in order to reach her goals.
As we began our work in the house, we encountered several obstacles: lead paint, asbestos, a crumbling crawlspace wall, makeshift framing, sloping floors, leaky roofs, and improper electrical and plumbing.
North Philadelphia's The LINC High School, set in an area with one of the city's highest violent crime rates, has faced several obstacles in its short history.
HIV / AIDS researchers working to cure the infection face several obstacles that these new scopes could help overcome.
Olympics national champion, who overcame several obstacles to not only succeed in boxing, but to be the first member of his family to graduate from high school.
The $ 152 billion spending plan will take effect on April 1 if passed on time by the state legislature but there may be several obstacles in its way, including some annoyed lawmakers.
Schulz, who hails from Germany and completed his doctorate at the Free University of Berlin, said there are several obstacles to overcome in moving the research forward, including refining the genetic sequencing to keep a corn plant small without compromising its food value.
But several obstacles, including high upfront costs and securing a partner for a long - term project, kept such efforts from growing into a scaled power plant, according to sources familiar with the testing program.
Despite their obvious excitement, many scientists have noted that there remain several obstacles to the widespread application of the technique.
Designing the scraper element meant overcoming several obstacles.
During a break in the production, Nicholas Hoult spoke about how his character isn't quite your typical hero, with several obstacles he has yet to overcome.
The authors acknowledge that in implementing any of these changes, there are several obstacles that schools may face.
Among the several obstacles in this process, the biggest perhaps is to make this eLearning available to the mobile workforce.
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