Sentences with phrase «several orders of»

According to which «The long - term goal for Ethereum 2.0 and 3.0 is the protocol to quite literally be able to maintain a blockchain capable of processing VISA - scale transaction levels, or even several orders of magnitude higher, using a network consisting of nothing but a sufficiently large set of users running nodes on consumer laptops.»
It's a way to bring the fees back down and increase transaction throughput by several orders of magnitude.
That's several orders of magnitude worse QA process
The number of lines of code that need to be written for this across the entire industry will be several orders of magnitude more than a scaling solution of changing 1 MB blocks to 2 MB blocks.
Despite attaining «tweet» levels between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. generally only seen for the hottest Supreme Court of Canada decisions, actual page views of the decision were several orders of magnitudes higher than growth in referrals from twitter would suggest.
But by mid-2014, the state recorded 230 quakes measuring that or more, meaning that the number of quakes of that magnitude increased by several orders of magnitude.
That's a more typical caption, obviously, and several orders of magnitude more specific even considering all the people named Randy in the U.S..
[39] Strathy J. described the record for the Estate of Edward Assaf as comprised of «over thirty lawsuits or applications and over one hundred and thirty court orders or endorsements... including several orders of the Court of Appeal and of the Supreme Court of Canada.»
The emissivity of the atmosphere is going to be prefferentialy concerntrated in the H2O and CO2 bands because these are several orders of magnitude «better» at absorbing and emitting at these wavelengths than the N2 AND O2 are at any wavelength.
The huge industry dependent on fossil fuels has more to lose by several orders of magnitude than the renewable power business.
Yes, it is not a simple problem considering about 70 % of the earth's surface is covered by water and the heat capacity of the oceans is several orders of magnitude greater than the atmosphere.
But this feedback fo global warming appears to cost several orders of magnitude more to deal with.
For atmospheric aerosol, this shape factor is usually not strongly different from one; its effect is usually assumed negligible compared to the effect of particle size, which covers several orders of magnitude.
This was - and still is - because water vapor in the upper troposphere occurs in concentrations several orders of magnitude less than in the lower troposphere where most of our weather occurs.
In the broader realm outside of formal, science the number of cranks to geniuses is several orders of magnitude greater.
A simple BOE calculation shows several orders of magnitude of impossibility.
Despite the fact that this number may be off by several orders of magnitude, it is a ludicrously small number.
The authors do not mention that the estimated CO2 / CH4 release that led to the PETM was several orders of magnitude greater than all the carbon in all the combined fossil fuel reserves of our planet today, yet the authors state:
You're off by several orders of magnitude.
Total GMSL rise over 10,000 years is between 25 and 52 meters, several orders of magnitude higher than IPCC's projections for 2100.
You wrote: «You're off by several orders of magnitude».
The chart above also highlights another key difference between CO2 and non-CO2 GHGs: non-CO2 GHGs are several orders of magnitude less concentrated than CO2.
If NASA, NOAA or the UEA / CRU claims «lack of resources» for their failure to publish every scrap of available data, it is only fair to point out that the IGI database is already several orders of magnitude greater than all the climate records that have ever existed.
It would seem this can exceed temperature induced evaporation by several orders of magnitude and this effect is not, it seems, included in GCMs.
It is MUCH less than the energy entering from above by several orders of magnitude.
There is too little accurate data and the granularity of that date is insufficient by several orders of magnitude.
E.g., hurricane P can be several orders of magnitude higher than the mean global P.
On John Carters climate blog where the posts are so long, etymologists are working on a more extreme saying several orders of magnitude beyond «verbal diarrhea».
In essence the conclusion was that the money spent to promote the AGW cause was several orders of magnitude bigger than that spent on scepticism.
«The extent of the state's new commitment for renewable resources is several orders of magnitude greater than anything we've seen before in our state,» said Richard L. Kauffman, Chairman of Energy and Finance for New York.
Update [2006-1-25 16:59:21 by Stuart Staniford]: Stig Oye pointed out that I had an arithmetic slip of several orders of magnitude in the «amusing aside», which I've belatedly corrected.
An ingenious theory, but the model set out in that paper seems to make predictions about what would happend to surface temperature if CO ₂ concentration were to vary which are out of kilter with empirical measurements by several orders of magitude in timescale and at least one order of magnitude and possibly the wrong sign in temperature.
Moreover, the acid rain program applied only to power plants; a carbon market is several orders of magnitude more complicated.
Engineered Geothermal Systems (EGS) enables a much broader development of geothermal power through the US and the globe several orders of magnitude larger than natural geothermal sources.
, I think that from what we can see from direct measurements (~ 150 years) and infer from proxies (up to millions of years) that it is apparent there are psuedo - cycles (your saw) that extend across several orders of magnitude (perhaps best described with a fractal)-- everything from day / night, through summer / winter, PDO / AMO, the approximately 80, 300 and 1500 year cycles all the way through the 100k Milankovitch and perhaps beyond.
Since most of it goes into the ocean the relevant heat capacity is that of the ocean, which is several orders of magnitude higher than the atmosphere.
Human energy release to the environment is concentrated by several orders of magnitude.
Therefore the stratosphere is several orders of magnitude too dry to be the major source of precipitation at any location in the troposphere.
Just as the integrated circuit enabled the PC, there is analogous technology to enable several orders of magnitude more efficiency and potency in RE systems.
So far, this combination hasn't been possible because of the need for greater processing power, but because this new method uses several orders of magnitude fewer computations to process the GPS data, this could finally be possible.
You are several orders of magnitude off with that comment.
We then need a physical basis (i. e. a physics based explanation) to relate these arbitrarily small (by several orders of magnitude) net perturbations to Earth's climate system, you know cause AND effect, or causality;
The mass of insects alone exceeds man by several orders of magnitude.
The collision time between molecules in the medium (which is representative of our current atmosphere) is several orders of magnitude shorter than the excitation time, so the energy of the molecule will go into the energy reservoir of the local matter establishing a Maxwell - Boltzmann distribution at a new temperature, T + dT.
We are likewise ignoring reality in the environment, and the consequences could be several orders of magnitude worse.
Even with double the strength of your average man, we're still several orders of magnitude off what he'd need to produce the power and strength he displays in Super Mario World.
It took the proven, familiar gameplay from Ocarina of Time and set the hero loose to fix the problems of a nation several orders of magnitude stranger than Hyrule.
Other specialized blood tests that detect DNA of the organism, such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) a technique used in molecular biology to amplify a single copy or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence and serologythe scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood serum, especially with regard to the response of the immune system to pathogens or introduced substances, are helpful.
a technique used in molecular biology to amplify a single copy or a few copies of a piece of DNA across several orders of magnitude, generating thousands to millions of copies of a particular DNA sequence
What if the income in Washington is disproportionally larger (by several orders of magnitude in absolute terms, and by 2 × — 3 × on per annum basis) than that in Indiana?
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