Sentences with phrase «several other examples»

The quality assurance candidate goes on to list several other examples of his systems processing acumen, citing several occasions in which he helped expand the testing scope.
The researchers pointed to several other examples of how climate change is negatively affecting food safety.
For Joseph Bates, the Trinity was an unscriptural doctrine; for James White it was that «old Trinitarian absurdity»; and for M. E. Cornell it was a fruit of the great apostasy, along with such false doctrines as Sunday keeping and the immortality of the soul...» And Knight continues with several other examples of how Adventist beliefs have evolved through the years.
The author of this particular piece, CEI's expert, Ms. Angela Logomasini, (check out the expert's bio-sketch here) lists several other examples of the death, destruction, and mistaken projections left on the world's doorstep over the years by Tree - Hugger types.
Linda Dobson and Emily Hauth from Portland's Bureau of Environmental Services led a fascinating tour of Portland's green streets, ecoroofs, bioswales, and several other examples of natural infrastructure and biocarbon solutions that capture CO2, save money, create jobs, and enhance our communities.
There are several other examples and illustrations to this effect, spanning from food items to gadgets and basic appliances.
This question is a partial migration from a History SE question, where I asked how come the Spanish King claims titles that are obviously not within his grasp (the original example, King of Hungary seems to have turned out false, but there are several other examples, like King of Jerusalem).
There are several other examples and although it's no where near a real reflection of the spectrum within society, it seems that change is finally ramping up.
And here are several other examples that I found and added to my Pinterest page on my Fiber Art Lace Book board:
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