Sentences with phrase «several pounds»

The phrase "several pounds" means a few pounds or a small amount of weight. Full definition
After a day of recipe creation, testing and prepping then finally getting my kitchen cleaned up — in walks my father with several pounds of fresh strawberries from our strawberry patch.
Many people lose several pounds in their first week as lower carb consumption results in our body storing less water.
There is an amazing jump start to this diet that will have you losing several pounds in the first week which gives you the motivation to lose the rest of the weight.
It has a carrying capacity of 50 pounds which several pounds lighter than other strollers.
I feel like I signed my name a hundred times at the closing and left with several pounds of paper, most of it disclosures of one kind or another.
I have gained several pounds in just a few days.
The human gut houses 100 trillion bacteria from a thousand different species [1]; they weigh several pounds and make up about half the dry weight of stool.
An ounce of prevention is worth several pounds of flour....
I picked several pounds of apples and immediately made a huge batch of applesauce when I got home.
You can buy several pounds for $ 6 or less.
Many people lose several pounds within the first week alone.
He's 20 years older, several pounds heavier and dressed in a gray business suit, but the old athletic stride is still there.
So, they start eating several pounds of meat every day, drinking sugary workout drinks, and ordering cheese fries with their salmon because they're in bulk mode.
If your legs are short and at the same time full, heels will help you appear with several pounds less than you originally weigh.
One day I was down several pounds and went back up the next day.
I got several pounds of their awesome grass - fed ground beef in my last batch and knew I wanted to use it to make chili.
We prepare several pounds of nuts at a time and freeze some to save on preparation time.
Searching is charged by time online, which can cost several pounds per minute.
After the loading phase with creatine you can increase your muscle mass several pounds, which is all a result of increasing the quantity of water in your muscle fibers.
The digestive tract holds several pounds of bacteria that play a large role in immune function.
It is important to realize that the human body can naturally change several pounds in the course of one day from fluid balance alone.
It's physically impossible to burn several pounds of fat overnight, so how is that possible?
This weekend I scored several pounds of fresh asparagus from my local farmer's market and knew I wanted to make soup.
One glass of pure, fresh juice contains several pounds of vegetables and fruits.
It saved her from being sick all of the time and she has actually gained several pounds that were sorely needed.
It is possible to drop several pounds (which include oil, salts and water) during a class.
We picked several pounds and after freezing most and saving some for eating fresh, I used up a bunch to make two 16 - oz jars of delicious preserves.
Many people lose several pounds within the first week alone.
Although it is several pounds heavier than some of the other tents on this list, it is incredibly light for a three - person tent.
The happiness you feel eating several pounds of chocolate, for example, is bound to be short - lived.
You can get them in large packs that are several pounds in weight.
At any given time I have several pounds of frozen ground turkey meat in my freezer, perfect for tacos, burgers, or meatballs.
Glycogen we've said accounts for as much as 5 pounds; mucus probably accounts for several pounds at least; and other glycoproteins must add at least a few pounds more.
Just this past weekend we stopped by the office and found several pounds of apples and plums there for the taking.
The Mazda seat is comfortable without several pounds of air squeezed into an inflatable bladder to stiffen lower back or sides like a corset.
Ask your butcher for several pounds of fresh pork fat (not bacon, nothing smoked, salted or flavored), and if he'll dice it for you, great.
If your weight is fluctuating several pounds from one day to the next, it's not the kind of weight I'd be concerned about (fat).
He added, «Amazon is genius in occupying the front page, but this is, simply put, an incredibly deft calculation to extract several pounds of flesh.»
When they have no fish they boil several pounds of these peppers in a little water, and dip their mandioca bread into the fiery soup thus formed.
(I will soak and bake several pounds at a time and then keep in freezer until ready to use.)
Love all your recipes, but sometimes it's hard for me to find all the ingredients over here in Mexico, I have a question for your Homemade vanilla pound cake, I've tried several pound cakes and when I place them in the oven they all colapse, we are at a very high altitude and can imagine that is the problem, might you have some idea that I could do so this doesn't happen, I would very much appreciate your help.
It had been so long since I cooked several pounds of pork that and I overcooked it a little bit, sadly.
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