Sentences with phrase «several screenplays»

The phrase "several screenplays" refers to multiple written scripts for movies or TV shows. It means there are more than one screenplay, usually written by the same person or group, which can potentially be produced into films or television programs. Full definition
Between «Tommy» and «Altered States,» Russell set his eyes on «Dracula,» which reportedly began as a ballet, and he wrote several screenplay drafts.
After several screenplay drafts, including one by Children Of Men writers Hawk Ostby and Mark Fergus, Albert Hughes signed on to direct in 2010.
Starting with his successful Leon (The Professional), Besson regurgitated this story into the formula he would follow for several screenplays he has written since, from The Fifth Element to Kiss of the Dragon to The Transporter.
Roth has penned several screenplays of varied quality throughout his career with Munich (Steven Spielberg), Ali and The Insider (both directed by Michael Mann) being amongst his better efforts.
Eva Dahlbeck also wrote several screenplays, novels and books of poetry, often using the pseudonym Lis Edvardson.
For over twenty years, I've written several screenplays and manuscripts, but I've never written a book.
He has written several screenplays, fiction and short stories.
I'd written several screenplays and at least one messy novel before completing the project I had with me at the convention.
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