Sentences with phrase «several signals supporting»

Demand to see several signals supporting a setup before committing your precious trading capital.

Not exact matches

Several corporations signaled their support for the project and many developers and miners were on board as well, in addition to Coinbase.
That adipocytes express receptors for several proinflammatory molecules (e.g., TNF - α, IL - 6) supports models in which adipocytes were both the source and target of proinflammatory signals.
Mammalogists have proposed several functions — from keeping the penis stiff during copulation to signaling the fitness of a male — but, so far, the only idea with strong support comes from a study of mice in which the width of the baculum was tied to how many offspring the males sired.
East Williamsburg space Idio Gallery put out a call for crowdsourced financial support several months ago, which very well could have signaled that it was beginning to scale down.
Some of these changes include support for signaling pruned nodes (BIP159), SHA256 assembly enabled by default, Several GUI changes, and additional new RPCs.
July 17th update: Since several mining pools have started to signal support for BIP91 early, the earliest BIP91 activation date has moved forward too.
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