Sentences with phrase «several thousands of years»

Despite taking place several thousands of years ago, the implications of humans being responsible for environmental and climatic degradation are easy to see.
The point is that sea level is not going up at some dramatic rate, but is slowly crawling up as it has been for the last several thousands of years.
But as it is in several thousands of years, it would be ridiculous to care about that today anyway.
The seeds to all of the great environmental and social justice movements were planted long, long ago so let's just take a minute to honor all the great men and women over the past several thousands of years who have worked so hard and sacrificed so much so that we could be here right now reading blogs about it on our laptops at work.
But there is a lag of CO2 after temperature of some 600 years during deglaciations, and several thousands of years during the onset of new ice ages.
Quinoa remains have been found at archaeological levels from several thousands of years BP to the Inka period in different locations of Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile.
The books we call Holy, by the worlds religions, were written several Thousands of years ago, but y» all still want to treat us as was the custom then!?
The influx of warm water then subsided for several thousands of years until it was reinvigorated in the 1940s, driving further retreat.
Evaporation is spectacular, but it would not threaten the atmosphere of GJ436b, an exoplanet which was formed several thousands of years ago and which would have only lost 10 % of its atmosphere.
Willenbring noted that the new date for the glacier maximum in the Mediterranean region, which is several thousands of years earlier than the date the maximum was reached in central Europe, will help provide more context for creating accurate global climate models.
It is claimed we at highest levels of global CO2 in timescale of a 100,000 years, but we probably aren't warmer than we have been in various periods within last several thousands of years.
He said: «Over the past several thousands of years, the deficiency gene seems to have been positively selected, and is mainly found in north Europe, as have gene variants for larger height and size generally.
But there is a lag of CO2 after temperature of some 600 years during deglaciations, and several thousands of years during the onset of new ice ages.
The film begins rather calmly when duplicate star structures are located in various caves throughout the Earth, dating from several thousands of years, but quickly takes off once the space voyagers arrive at their destination.
Complicating matters further, the term yoga has been in use for several thousands of years and has shifted meanings many times.
What they found was that local destabilization of the Amundsen Sea region of West Antarctica ultimately causes the entire ice sheet to fall into the ocean over several centuries to several thousands of years, gradually adding 3 meters to global sea levels, they report online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Because it has been cultivated for several thousands of years, there is now a large variety of practical and unique uses of pumpkin.
Kvass has been brewed in Eastern Europe for several thousands of years, traditionally created by fermenting rye or barley.
Influenced by the fact that the North Star — though it is a fixed point in the night sky — changes over the course of several thousands of years (and will be replaced as time goes on) Ferrandi's sculpture and drawings serve to ritualize its phenomenon.
If the majority of the temperature response takes place in only a few years, with the remaining small fraction taking place over hundreds to several thousands of years, then the long thermal lag time is not all that relevant.
If you're really interested what temperatures likely were in the last several thousands of years, check previously mentioned Marcott et al. 2013, and for last one or two thousand years see «Continental - scale temperature variability during the past two millennia», PAGES 2k Consortium (2013), which used hundreds of proxies around the world.
The scientists keep that in a margin of «between centuries and several thousands of years».
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