Sentences with phrase «several trace elements»

Fish emulsion contains up to 5 percent nitrogen with several trace elements that help improve soil microbes, resulting in more plant building blocks.

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In a stunning finding, daily supplements of the trace element selenium have been found to reduce the risk of several types of cancer in patients with a history of skin cancer.
Marginal or severe trace element imbalances are considered risk factors for several diseases (4).
Featuring works from the Guggenheim Panza Collection, augmented with loans from several German collections, the exhibition and catalogue trace the theatrical elements in Nauman's oeuvre, as well as his manipulation of the performer - spectator roles.
There is an immersive and performative element to the way that people interact with the work, Pocreau notes, himself standing up on several occasions to wave a hand through the beams, crunch on the rubble, or trace his hand along the exposed drywall of the fissure's edge.
We also know that the body needs 6 major minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and phosphate and several essential trace elements.
Whereas most nutritionists agree that we need 7 trace elements, iron iodine, cobalt, manganese, copper, zinc and selenium, several top researchers now believe that the number is actually much larger.
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