Sentences with phrase «several vacancies»

Several vacancies get filled every day without being advertised.
Look at several vacancy announcements for your field and see which phrases come up again and again.
But it appears that the conference will not vote in lockstep, and even if they did, they are short on votes because of several vacancies in the chamber.
«We think there is room to do it, is the number one reason,» de Blasio said, when asked why he has instituted his first hiring freeze, citing several vacancies the city believes it could go on without filling and saying it is part of a broader effort to identify agency savings.
Cuomo controls most appointments to the LIPA board, although he has not filled several vacancies during his two years as governor.
New measures are to be introduced to attract judges from a broader cross-section of society, Lord Neuberger has announced, with several vacancies due to arise at the Supreme Court in the next few years.
This year though, because of several vacancies, the Assembly Democrats will need help from other factions.
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