Sentences with phrase «severe heat»

Residents in many other large cities should experience severe heat waves, making them feel like the world is melting down in a pool of sweat.
In severe heat, bring your pets inside where it's cool.
Signs of severe heat stroke include staggering when trying to walk; seizures; dark red, purple or blue gums; and coma.
Leaving your pet in your car can lead to severe heat stroke and even death.
The team exposed cells to temperatures ranging from 30 °C (normal) to 46 °C (severe heat shock), for very short periods of time, from two to eight minutes.
Many places have seen changes in rainfall, resulting in more floods, droughts, or intense rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves.
«By 2100, arid cities will suffer from more severe heat waves than temperate cities.»
Study coauthor Jeremy Pal, an environmental engineer at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, says the team was surprised to see how widespread the projections of such severe heat waves in Asia were.
Drs. Daniel Hill, James Barnett, Kristen Wolfenden and Kelley Cole were given the Chief's Special Award for saving K - 9 officers Hobie and Bandit from severe heat exhaustion in late August.
«Those kinds of severe heat events also put enormous stress on major crops like corn, soybean, cotton and wine grapes, causing a significant reduction in yields.»
«As part of a global heat and coral bleaching event spanning 2014 - 2017, the Great Barrier Reef experienced severe heat stress and bleaching again in 2017, this time affecting the central region of the Great Barrier Reef,» said co-author Dr Mark Eakin of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Research has found that climate change, particularly severe heat waves, was a factor in those price spikes.
Footage across five shipments to the Middle East shows thousands of sheep suffering severe heat stress; succumbing to heat stroke; sheep caked in melted faeces and urine; injured and sick animals left to die slow and painful deaths; severely decomposed bodies left in pens with living sheep; and pregnant ewes giving birth in awful conditions, and their lambs dying.
But even in an aggregated state after severe heat shock, they formed a functional complex that still actively and accurately processed tRNAs.
In the past week, cinephiles and music lovers have lost Eddie Fisher, Gloria Stuart (Nathaniel Rogers remembers her immaculate blondeness), Sally Menke (from severe heat according to the Los Angeles Times), Arthur Penn (Dave Kehr looks back at the man's life and work in The New York Times), Joe Mantell, and Tony Curtis (see Chris Anthony Diaz's «Tribute to Tony Curtis» from 12/20/08).
Tested in Australia, Dubai, Thailand, North America, South America, Sweden and South Africa, it had to face severe heat and cold, monsoon rains, high altitudes as well as rushing rivers, arid deserts and potholed roads.
The council also passed legislation Wednesday that will force the city to study the impacts of extreme weather, including severe heat, rain storms and coastal flooding, to help better prepare the city for the next Hurricane Irene.
Therefore, cities in temperate zones experience more severe heat waves today.
One looked at the historical temperature record and compared how often such severe heat waves occurred a century ago versus today using 3 - day averages; the other used climate models that simulate a world with and without warming to see how the odds of such an event shifted.
Severe heat stroke occurs with a body temperature greater than 106 °F and can be deadly, causing kidney, liver and heart problems.
Heatwaves: EPA Say Heatwaves Much Worse in 1930's: «Heat waves occurred with high frequency in the 1930s, and these remain the most severe heat waves in the U.S. historical record»:
«Knowing how much our emissions have changed the likelihood of this kind of severe heat event can help us to minimize the impacts of the next heat wave, and to determine the value of avoiding further changes in climate.»
In new findings published in Nature on March 15, 2017, researchers showed that severe heat stress and bleaching spanned the northern 1,000 kilometers of the Great Barrier Reef during the severe bleaching of 2016.
To fully prepare the All - New 2016 hyundai tucson for the European market, our teams tested it in severe heat — from 40 degrees Celsius in southern Europe's summertime down to 30 degrees below freezing in the Swedish winter.»
«Carbon pollution... causes more severe heat waves and smog pollution, which trigger more asthma attacks and other serious respiratory illnesses.
Fortunately, the companies that build the vaults and the safe deposit boxes designed them to be resistant to fire, flood, explosions, earthquakes and severe heat.
What made matters more tricky for Milpitas is that its scheduled game the previous weekend at Dublin was cancelled due to severe heat and poor air quality.
*************** Like many conservatives, Dr. Will will not concede that something is really happening in climate change.Heat records are falling like a failed firecracker display.Our country's West has been burning up.A good deal of Florida is flooded.Chicago is exiting a severe heat wave; and kids are being killed nightly on its» streets.Freak storms move in quickly and disseminate large areas of the country.
Researchers also found that the West has experienced more frequent and severe heat waves, with the number of extremely hot days increasing by up to four days per decade since 1950.
The higher temperatures mean more severe heat waves, which, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, are already the deadliest weather phenomenon in the United States.
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Soaring temperatures have gripped parts of India in a severe heat wave 689 Responses to «D - Wave: Truth finally starts to emerge» Dave Bacon Says: Comment # 1 May 16th, 2013 at 1:06 pm.
Hence the tablet can survive exposure to severe heat and dusty conditions on the one hand to even being splashed with water.
Severe heat stroke can affect the entire body, causing major organ dysfunction and / or failure.
Severe heat stroke (above 106 degrees) is life threatening, and can cause permanent damage to your pet's vital organs.
Asthma - related hospitalizations increase significantly during the summer when there are more rainstorms and severe heat, according to new research from the University of Maryland School of Public Health.
These emissions are linked with real damages to Oregon's residents and environment, mostly in the form of more frequent and severe heat waves, wildfires, and droughts.
When a severe heat wave hit the city of Ahmedabad in 2010, the heat proved lethal for many people — especially residents in slums.
Certain consequences of global warming are now inevitable, including sea level rise, more frequent and severe heat waves, growing wildfire risks, and an increase in extreme weather events.
Climate change is set to trigger more frequent and severe heat waves in the next 30 years regardless of the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we emit into the atmosphere, a new study has shown.
So an increase in frequency is likely to pose serious challenges to society and some regions will have to adapt to more frequent and more severe heat waves already in the near - term,» continued Coumou.

Phrases with «severe heat»

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