Sentences with phrase «severe hypothyroidism»

Severe hypothyroidism refers to a serious condition where the thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck, produces too little thyroid hormone. This hormone is important for regulating the body's metabolism, energy levels, and growth. When someone has severe hypothyroidism, their body functions slower, causing symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, and depression. Treatment usually involves taking thyroid hormone medication to help balance levels in the body and alleviate symptoms. Full definition
Over the course of 10 years, Elle suffered from two bouts of severe hypothyroidism.
I wrote a brief post about it here, but in short he experienced severe hypothyroidism with marked cold sensitivity, poor libido, and severe low energy.
We've seen one published report involving an 88 - year - old woman who developed severe hypothyroidism (low production of thyroid hormones) and a related coma following consumption of an estimated 2 - 3 pounds of raw bok choy for several months.
The American Thyroid Association explains weight gain is more serious in patients with more severe hypothyroidism, compared to their counterparts.
A life - threatening condition called myxedema coma can develop if severe hypothyroidism is left untreated.
Severe hypothyroidism in babies if left untreated hinders brain development and physical growth or cretinism.
If you have suffered from severe hypothyroidism, you may have gone through times where you felt like you really just want to crawl away to a quiet place and rest for a long, long while.
In adult cats, clinical signs associated with advanced or severe hypothyroidism include lethargy, dullness, nonpruritic seborrhea sicca, hypothermia, decreased appetite, and occasionally bradycardia.
(Also I have a very high level of calcium in my blood) I am taking 150 mcg of Levo and only 5 mg of Cytomel a day and still have all the symptoms of severe hypothyroidism.
As thyroid gland is responsible for maintaining healthy metabolic activities of the body, moderate to severe hypothyroidism can alter the pace of various reactions and biological functions of the body.
Severe hypothyroidism can cause symptoms similar to Alzheimer's disease, including memory loss, confusion, slowness, paranoid depression and even hallucinations.
The other condition that I thought of, but think is much less likely, is severe hypothyroidism.
Myxedema coma, a rare syndrome, is the extreme expression of severe hypothyroidism.
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