Sentences with phrase «severe lack of food»

Mavunduse said «Burundi has fallen off the media radar» while «millions of people - our brothers and sisters in Christ - are suffering from a severe lack of food or clean water».

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There are no food testing labs in any of the other states in the Eastern region, indicating a severe lack of infrastructure in this geographic region.
That might have reassured LAUSD since then viewers could see that a lot of the problems in school food, including theirs, presumably, relate to the severe lack of adequate funding to school districts.
What I do know is that her tiny child already has severe food allergies, and I just can't help but wonder if C - section (or more likely lack of breastfeeding) had something to do with it.
The detox debate Opinion may be divided on the benefits of doing a detox diet, however, the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA) claims the scientific basis for these kinds of stringent diets is lacking and such severe dietary restrictions of whole food groups may be unnecessary.
Though scrapping all plant foods seems like a severe step, it instantly removes nearly all of the allergens and antinutrients that some people find cause health problems and discomfort, and, as with ketogenic diets, the lack of carbs alone can offer a range of advantages.
Unfortunately, the pill comes with a host of undesirable side effects that include, gut / digestive problems, Amenorrhea (no periods), lack of ovulation, mild to severe acne, thyroid dysfunction, mild to severe mood disorders, disruptive food cravings, low to non-existent sex drive, lack of vaginal lubrication, painful sex, thinning of the vaginal tissue and weight gain or inability to lose weight, just to name a few.
Today I think we'd term her state a psychotic form of severe postpartum depression, but apart from lacking modern medicine to save her and her child, she probably lacked everything else as well - ample space, adequate food, any sort of safety net whatsoever.
Refusing food causes a severe lack of necessary nutrition to keep the body and mind healthy.
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