Sentences with phrase «severe side effects after»

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They were monitored for 12 months after the procedure and reported no severe side effects.
After the study's first six months, 21 percent of the 5 - FU group rated the side effects as «severe,» and 40 percent rated them as «moderate.»
The researchers report that three young adults with severe vision impairment from a hereditary disease maintained improved eyesight a year after gene therapy was administered — and didn't suffer any health side effects in the meantime.
This high would usually come long after a host of nasty side effects, such as severe gastrointestinal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, among others.
After a few days of basically binging on yogurt, the other side effects became severe enough that I was forced to stop eating it, despite the cravings being so intense.
I feel like I've been quite lucky with my chemo so far, sure I'm tired after treatment & although I initially lost a lot of weight, I've now been able to maintain a healthy weight, I haven't been very sick or had any other severe side effects to date, touch wood!
Hi Paul After being on the immune suppressent drug Neoral for 10 months to deal with severe Psoriasis (which btw my many diet changes would only temporarily be effective — I'd been trying for 4 years) I developed lung cancer stage 4, a listed side effect of the drug.
Dog side effects after ingesting Aleve are quite severe.
After your comments and the many thoughtful addenda from other readers, I'm still stuck here: can the market catch up quickly enough, if left to its own devices, to provide alternative energy on a large enough scale and at low enough cost to fill the energy gap that will be the side - effect of severe carbon reduction?
Many surgical mesh manufacturers have issued transvaginal mesh recalls after studies showed their products caused severe side effects.
Transvaginal mesh has come under fire after thousands of women alleged that their mesh devices failed and led to debilitating side effects, including tissue damage, severe pain and limited mobility.
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