Sentences with phrase «severe side effects from»

Pets experience fewer and less severe side effects from veterinary chemotherapy than humans.
Additionally, if a pet suffers severe side effects from treatment or isn't showing a response indicating the treatment is working, then changing the approach to more of a focus on palliative care or pursuing euthanasia is a humane choice.
He has severe side effects from steroids so we use those as a last resort.
In addition, the plan leads to improvement in your body's detoxification processes and patients often report fewer and less severe side effects from medications.

Not exact matches

Others are looking for variations in patients» normal DNA that explain why some people tolerate radiation well, whereas others experience severe and lasting side effects ranging from trouble swallowing and memory loss to impotence and incontinence.
The researchers, from Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Penn Medicine, focused on protein - losing enteropathy (PLE), a severe loss of proteins in the intestine that is a rare but potentially life - threatening side effect of staged heart surgery in patients with single - ventricle disease.
Most of the patients who were treated with radium - 223 also had fewer side effects: With regards to serious / severe side effects, there were no more than indications of lesser harm from radium - 223 + BSC compared with BSC with the extent of no more than «minor.»
To see if PGD and the pentose phosphate pathway were tied to the epigenetic changes the researchers had detected in distant metastases, they treated tumor cells from different sites in a single patient with the drug 6 - aminonicotinamide (6AN), which is known to inhibit PGD but is not used in humans because of its severe side effects.
Researchers may have found a way to make opioids safer by separating the drugs» pain relieving effects from their most dangerous side effect, respiratory suppression, which, in very severe cases, causes patients to stop breathing and to die.
Opioids have long been an important tool in the world of pain management, but the side effects of these drugs — from addiction and respiratory failure to severe itching and dizziness, can be overwhelming.
The drug, benfluorex, was pulled from the market in November 2009 because of severe side effects, particularly a high risk of heart valve problems.
However, for a small subgroup of people with asthma, LABAs can cause severe, life - threatening side effects and carry a boxed safety warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The researchers report that three young adults with severe vision impairment from a hereditary disease maintained improved eyesight a year after gene therapy was administered — and didn't suffer any health side effects in the meantime.
No severe side effects were reported from the use of rTMS.
Many of my patients have complained of mild to severe side effects they've had from past acne treatment with prescription drugs.
Unfortunately, these drugs can have side effects that vary from annoying to possibly severe.
But in some cases they can cause physical discomfort — and about 10 % of people suffer from more severe side effects (such as swelling and bleeding).
My course of treatment went relatively smoothly, but the side effects for some — from fever to colitis — can be so severe that they're unable to continue treatment.
I'm going to give it a try,» or they can say, «Well, I think I'm going to wait for a few more trials, FDA approval,» and they can sit back, but more and more, the public are ready to evaluate science simultaneously and take these very common sense, very easy... Well, behavior is not an easy thing to change, but far easier than taking chemotherapy or disease modifying drugs that are going to shut down your immune system and give you life - threatening side effects, that could let you get your life back from an autoimmune condition, or a serious psychiatric problem, or a severe diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, things that are completely under their control.
The surveys range from the supplement being manufactured from low - quality ingredients, to resulting in severe side - effects, like an increase in blood pressure, dizziness and headache.
I'm happy to share that I have none of the side effects mentioned above from taking Milk Thistle, and I did suffer from severe breakouts (more in the form of blackheads everywhere on my face that would later turn into cystic acne from the extractions).
The reality is that if consumed in high quantities, there could be serious side effects, from severe constipation, to stomach cramps, and even urinary tract infection.
I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety disorder at the age of 18 and put on prescription medication, from which I quickly began to experience side effects.
You can empower yourself and become independent from drugs which not only have severe side effects but also do not treat the root cause of your high blood pressure.
There are a number of side effects that can result from intestinal parvo that can be extremely severe, so seeking treatment immediately is imperative.
Mild symptoms range from lethargy and gastrointestinal upset to severe side effects that include hyperexcitability, racing heart, abnormal behavior, sedation, or seizures.
, but other side effects from marijuana can be quite severe, including lethargy, dilated pupils, drooling, being off balance, muscle twitching, vomiting, involuntary urination and even unconsciousness.
Immunity is security from a particular disease - it may develop from acquiring a disease and then recovering (kind of risky, especially if the disease is usually fatal or has severe side effects), or by being effectively immunized.
The side effects may discourage the owner from continuing chemotherapy or, if they are severe enough, may require the anticancer drug protocol to be altered in a way that minimizes its effectiveness.
Potential adverse side effects: Bone - marrow suppression leading to reduced numbers of white blood cells and a risk of infection, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea; severe chemical burns if chemotherapy drugs leak from the vein into surrounding tissues.
Some dogs suffer from relatively severe vaccination side effects.
After your comments and the many thoughtful addenda from other readers, I'm still stuck here: can the market catch up quickly enough, if left to its own devices, to provide alternative energy on a large enough scale and at low enough cost to fill the energy gap that will be the side - effect of severe carbon reduction?
There are those on one side who see unintended consequences of probable government attempts at mitigation for AGW, given the current dominating political philosophies, as something worse than even some rather severe effects from AGW, and those on the other hand that see a major role for government in these areas that mitigation would encompass no matter what the future may hold for AGW.
Though lead poisoning is harmful to everyone, children in particular may see severe and permanently disabling side effects from this danger.
Xarelto Lawsuit: Severe internal bleeding Over 2,000 cases of adverse side effects have been reported from patients who have used Xarelto.
The serious side effects from the Fosamax drug can be really severe and the injuries that you suffer or health problems you develop can be very difficult to accept and get over emotionally.
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