Sentences with phrase «severe skin irritation»

These medical problems range from anemia due to blood loss from bites; severe skin irritation from allergic reactions to fleas; and various diseases that are transmitted by these parasites.
Giving your mutt a bath using your shampoo can lead to more severe skin irritation primarily because they have more sensitive skin.
Having contact with the leaves and stems can cause moderate to severe skin irritations as well.
Fleas can cause severe skin irritation and can infest your home if you do not have a good preventive plan.
This chemical can cause irritation to the eyes, severe skin irritation, and can even cause cancer.
Although the condition is uncommon in cats, scabies can cause mild to severe skin irritations and infections if left untreated.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD), though not a disease per se, this severe skin irritation sends many concerned pet parents and their furry kids to the vet.
«If your dog is frequently or constantly scratching, licking, biting, scooting and / or rubbing, the underlying cause might be an allergic skin disease which can lead to additional problems including infection and severe skin irritation.
She was almost blind and suffered from severe skin irritation.
Make sure that you keep candles and liquid potpourri away from where pets could touch or knock them over; these items could lead to burns and severe skin irritation.
Fleas: Fleas can transmit other parasites, such as tapeworm, cause severe skin irritation, itching, hair loss, flea allergy dermatitis, and anemia in severe cases.
If your pet is allergic to it, he may scratch himself to the point of drawing blood due to severe skin irritation.
This causes severe skin irritation and hair loss in dogs but is easily treatable.
If he is having bloody diarrhea, a cough, and severe skin irritation, he needs to see a veterinarian.
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