Sentences with phrase «severe skin problems»

My search for healthy eating started when I was suffering from severe skin problems seven years ago.
So the more you keep your cat occupied with happy, interesting distractions, the less severe the skin problem is likely to be.
For severe skin problems, your vet may recommend allergy testing.
Some such can include severe skin problems, allergies, total hair loss and in some cases long - term illness.
Remember to refer the pet's owner to a qualified veterinarian for any kind of diagnosis, especially in the case of severe skin problems.
Fleas and ticks can cause many medical problems, ranging from anemia due to blood loss from multiple bites, to severe skin problems on animals allergic to fleas, to diseases that are transmitted by these vectors of disease.
Blue started out with some very severe skin problems, and also had to take meds every day, we finally added a scrawny little white cat who showed up in our garage In the middle...
Moderate to severe skin problems in a very young dog.
Flea allergies can cause severe skin problems, so daily examination of the dog during flea season is a must.
Fleas and ticks can cause many medical problems, ranging from anemia due to blood loss from multiple bites, to severe skin problems on animals allergic to fleas, to the various illnesses which are transmitted by these vectors of disease.
Consult your doctor or dermatologist if you have ongoing or severe skin problems.
There are certain signs that augment the suspicion that food allergies may be present such as recurrent ear problems and persistent moderate or severe skin problems.
Recurrent or chronic ear infections are more commonly seen in dogs with food allergies than in dogs with other types of allergies — also, very young dogs suffering from severe skin problems are often victims of food allergies.
I have a friend who crates her dogs forhours and hours on end alot of times.They whine to be let out but only get let out twice daily.One has severe skin problems and I believe it's made worse by being crated for so long.I feel so bad for them and would never do that to my dog.
My cat also had severe skin problems.
Another, is a very young dog with moderate or severe skin problems.
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