Sentences with phrase «severe urinary problems»

My cat with a history of severe urinary problems was suddenly diagnosed with pancreatitis.

Not exact matches

Chronic disease management (diabetes, feline urinary problems, kidney and heart disease, severe arthritis, paralysis, epilepsy)
If diabetes progresses without being treated, dogs can develop secondary health problems like cataracts and severe urinary tract problems.
If diabetes progresses, dogs can develop secondary health concerns such as cataracts and severe urinary tract problems.
If a diabetic dog is not treated, he can develop secondary health problems like cataracts and severe urinary tract problems.
Unless your dog had a severe injury or is suffering from kidney failure, in most cases urinary problems do not require emergency treatment.
My Miniature Schnauzer was constantly going to the Vet for urinary tract infections... almost every month or two... this was a severe problem.
Veterinarians will not prescribe phenylpropanolamine for dogs that are pregnant or lactating, unless the urinary incontinence problem is severe.
Mesh erosion was among the more common problems reported, while the list of health issues included severe pain, infection, incontinence, recurring prolapse, bleeding, urinary problems, scarring, dyspareunia (pain during sex), and organ perforation.
Women with transvaginal mesh implants have reported experiencing complications such as severe pain, vaginal mesh erosion, sexual problems, urinary problems, and organ perforation.
Side effects that have been associated with transvaginal mesh include severe pain, vaginal mesh erosion, infection, urinary problems, pain during sex or recurrent prolapse.
Other complications reported by surgical mesh users including severe pain, infection, sexual problems, urinary problems, bleeding and organ perforation.
These patients have alleged that the makers of transvaginal mesh products failed to properly warn them about the risks associated with their products, including severe pain, infection, bleeding, vaginal mesh erosion, sexual problems, urinary problems and organ perforation.
Other complications reported by transvaginal mesh users include severe pain, problems during intercourse, bleeding, infection, urinary problems and organ perforation.
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