Sentences with phrase «sex desire as»

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Rather, what it appears to imply is that women who maintain a certain level of comfort and awareness regarding their sexuality and desires are more likely to know when they truly want to have casual sex, as opposed to going along with someone who approaches them just because.
This has rarely been done, as we often confuse our God - given desire for sex with our misguided, self - centered feelings of lust.
Moreover, it is often combined with «preimplantation genetic diagnosis,» in which a cell is removed from IVF embryos and tested for medical or eugenic failings — as well as for the sex — so that only embryos with desired attributes will be implanted.
We also wish warmly to affirm those sisters and brothers, already in membership with orthodox churches, who — while experiencing same - sex desires and feelings — nevertheless battle with the rest of us, in repentance and faith, for a lifestyle that affirms marriage [between a man and woman] and celibacy as the two given norms for sexual expression.
Sex between unmarried adults might be inside that gray area between the ideal and the immoral if, first, no one's marriage is being violated by either party; second, if it is a union of love and caring, not just a union of convenience and desire; third, if sex is shared only after other things have been shared, other things such as time, values, friendship, communication and a sense of deep trust and emotional responsibility; fourth, if it is both loving and discreet, private, shielded from those who would not or could not understand; if it is valued as a bond between the two people involved and between them alone, never violating the sacredness of the exclusive quality of that momeSex between unmarried adults might be inside that gray area between the ideal and the immoral if, first, no one's marriage is being violated by either party; second, if it is a union of love and caring, not just a union of convenience and desire; third, if sex is shared only after other things have been shared, other things such as time, values, friendship, communication and a sense of deep trust and emotional responsibility; fourth, if it is both loving and discreet, private, shielded from those who would not or could not understand; if it is valued as a bond between the two people involved and between them alone, never violating the sacredness of the exclusive quality of that momesex is shared only after other things have been shared, other things such as time, values, friendship, communication and a sense of deep trust and emotional responsibility; fourth, if it is both loving and discreet, private, shielded from those who would not or could not understand; if it is valued as a bond between the two people involved and between them alone, never violating the sacredness of the exclusive quality of that moment.
Holloway follows the traditional notion of the «remedy for concupiscence», saying that it is permitted to seek sex «for the tempering of disordered natural desire», [7] «in remedium concupiscentiae», as long as this is done in such a way as not to thwart the primary end of the act.
[People] feel sexual desire: well, there is such a thing as sex.
And it fails to interrogate and thereby complicate same - sex desire in its rush to accept it as part and parcel of God's good creation.
I don't think something as natural as sex to be a «selfish desire».
All of these considerations do not change the fact that for a long time American society has been organized around the image of the successful white Anglo - Saxon man, nor assuage the bitterness of those excluded from the central rewards of the society because of the fact of sex or race or age.22 Plato long ago pointed out that the tyrant who can gratify every whim is the greatest slave of all, because he is completely at the mercy of his own desires, but he did not mean that argument as an excuse for tyrants.
«Heterosexuality» only dethrones Jesus as the norm if we think that Jesus» life and ministry somehow subvert the normative (creation) order of opposite - sex sexual desires, even if we do not use the language of «orientation» to describe those desires.
But just as in the realm of sex there may be people who evidently can not satisfy themselves, as in the realm of food there are gluttons, so in human relations some people seem to have an insatiable desire to use up the time of their friends until they use up their friends.
The point Grenz was trying to make is that sexuality is much bigger than a desire for sex and therefore single people can live and flourish as sexual beings apart from marriage.
Arguing that «the marriage institution did not develop to deny dignity or to give second class status to anyone,» but rather «to serve purposes that, by their nature, arise from biology,» attorney James J. Bursch described the push to legalize same - sex marriage as the desire to «take an institution that was never intended to be dignity - bestowing, and make it dignity - bestowing.»
But if that's so, he notes, then it should govern the way Christians think about same - sex sexual activity as well, and thus he concludes: «When those with homosexual orientation act on their desires in a loving, committed relationship, [they] are not, as far as I can see, violating the love command.»
BUT!!!! I Don't believe it is God's desire that we as Christians teach our Children to have our male children to have sex with males, and our daughters to have sex with other females.
It is commonly accepted that a person will continue to experience desire and even occasionally lapse into same - sex behavior as part of the overall conversion process.
The definitional slicing and dicing, the claim that the instruction means by «maturity» that one is happy being gay, rather than that, as it explicitly says, deep - seated same - sex desire is evidence of an «unfinished adolescence» — it is all evasion and mendacity.
It's not to do with human nature per se; it's to do with sin: envy, jealousy, possessiveness, quarrelling, a lack of willingness to forgive and forget, infidelity, manipulation, the desire to control and dominate, lack of consideration in matters to do with running a home as well as in the bedroom (sex can be one of the highest expressions of love between a man and a woman; it can also be incredibly selfish); hearts that are consistently closed to new life.
This view of sex is pervasive, as many go to extraordinary lengths to fulfill their sexual desires, even when it's not good for them physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally.
Usually such desires were for those of the opposite sex, but even that line was blurry, because as it turned out, once the generative purpose of sex had been severed, it often mattered very little who the heterosexual's mutual masturbatory partner was.
I have no desire to return to Victorian prudery, to the earlier condemnations of sex as a special source of sin, or even to the lesser silences about sex in our own century.
As has already been shown, same - sex relations in the first century were not thought to be the expression of an exclusive sexual orientation but were widely understood to be the product of excessive sexual desire wherein the one engaging in same - sex behavior did so out of an excess of lust that could not be satisfied.
Within the relations of the sexes it connotes romantic love with the desire to possess the beloved, and has as an important, though not its sole, ingredient the desire for sexual pleasure.
Then she offers a bad, and barely comprehensible, answer: «The question posed by radical self - love movements is not whether there is a right to sex (there isn't), but whether there is a duty to transfigure, as best we can, our desires
that are common practice today, such as unmarried women desiring and enjoying sex.
In light of a few things that happened of late — the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage for same - sex couples, the addition of the word cisgender into the Oxford English Dictionary, the rise of the transgender movement, with Germany leading the way for parents to register their baby as something other than just boy or girl, the increase in stay - at home dads and egalitarian marriages, universities recognizing a third gender, the desire by some to be called they versus he or she, the declaration that 2015 is the year of the gender - neutral baby, it's clear we are moving toward a society that is busting up traditional views of gender and what men and women, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers look and act like.
I also feel relieved to know I'm not alone but also was hoping to find at least one person who was able to turn this horrible situation around... I've been with my husband for almost six years and the first two we couldn't keep our hands off each other... we would have all kinds of sex everywhere even in public places... as soon as I moved in with him he lost all desire to be with me sexually....
They overlook their partners physical desire to have sex but more alarmingly they overlook their partners feelings and emotions as a person who is being literally sent packing by someone who supposedly loves them.
As each time I try to mention sex to my husband he takes me on a guilt trip, and then finally telling me that a marriage is not all about sex its more than that... recently for my birthday for the first time in four years he didn't reject me... i got a pity sex lasted for like a min but even for that 1 min I felt desired I felt wanted and i saw a tiny ray of hope that things would be different from this point on.
While spirituality may seem the polar opposite of the feelings of naughtiness that drive sexual desire, it can add serious icing to the cake when sex is viewed as a celebration of mom and dad's love and commitment.
I've never been unfaithful and don't suppose I will, however, as the years go by with sex every few months so the desire to have it drops on my part.
Your partner's desire for sex is likely to increase or decrease as well.
At the time, there was discussion over what an «improper physical relationship» actually meant (as well as the meaning of «is»), and whether oral sex fit under what a U.S. District Judge's defined as when a «person knowingly engages in or causes contact with the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks of any person with an intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.»
But perhaps because of its unusualness, Ellis was able to introduce an idea that remains as radical and tantalizing today as it was in his time: trial marriages, in which he envisioned couples exploring a temporary union of varying levels of commitment that allowed them to have sex, access birth control and have an easy divorce if desired, as long as no children were involved.
In addition, as you go through your pregnancy, weight gain, back aches, and other symptoms may lower your desire for sex.
From storylines that slut - shame women for being sexual beings to commercials that use scantily - clad women as bait for male consumers (who are all presumed to be straight and cisgender); we're collectively taught that women who actually want or enjoy sex are bad, and that women's bodies exist solely to fulfill men's sexual desires.
Senator Savino says if the bill comes to the floor, as Cuomo and women's groups desire, it would fail, just as same sex marriage was voted down the first time it came to the floor back in 2009.
Young people also criticised the overly «scientific» approach to sex, which ignored pleasure and desire, and they felt that sex was often presented as a «problem» to be managed.
Children as young as 2 can express a strong desire to have body parts of the opposite sex, and it is harder to transition after puberty.
As part of their study, Buss and Schmitt surveyed college students about their desire for short - and long - term mates (that is, one - night stands versus marriage partners), their ideal number of mates, how long they would have to know someone before being willing to have sex, and what standards a one - night stand would have to meet.
Those participants who reported their heterosexuality despite having hidden same - sex desires were also the most likely to show hostility toward gay individuals, including self - reported anti-gay attitudes, endorsement of anti-gay policies and discrimination such as supporting harsher punishments for homosexuals.
The researchers can rewrite bad memories with precision in mice, such as by switching a memory about the aforementioned yucky - tasting (to rodents) quinine water with a good memory of interacting with a desired member of the opposite sex.
Every woman, regardless of age, should be able to enjoy fulfilling, exciting sex and overcome pain, lack of desire and lack of lubrication as a result her body's unique challenges.
What I can do to calm myself and my jangling desires, ease my frustration, and continue to provide the attention my husband needs to achieve orgasm without becoming resentful or thinking of sex with him as a chore or feeling too guilty to enjoy it?
Was sex seen as a predatory act inflicted on you rather than something you might desire (e.g., «Boys will do anything to get in your pants,» or «I hope you don't have to do what your father did to me.»)?
Soulful sex is a team sport, and, as the owner of your beautiful temple, you need to take full responsibility for helping achieve what you desire.
It shouldn't be surprising that the concept of what's a «normal» amount of desired and actual sex is as abstract in this context as it is in the scheme of, oh, collecting Kartell chairs.
«Low sexual desire in women is never straightforward as female desire is 75 per cent contextual to what's going on around them,» says sex therapist Tanya Koens (
Testosterone is widely recognized as the hormone responsible for sexual desire and sexual response in both sexes.
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