Sentences with phrase «sex differences in the design»

I think jealousy can be an adaptation but it doesn't require that there is an evolved sex differences in the design features of the male and female minds.

Not exact matches

I don't think there's good evidence for the sex differences that I examine most in the book, namely in the design features of the mind underlying jealousy and mate preference.
[2 marks] 2 4 Design an observation study to investigate sex differences in non-verbal behaviour of males and females when they are giving a presentation to an audience.
(h) Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, it shall not be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to apply different standards of compensation, or different terms, conditions, or privileges of employment pursuant to a bona fide seniority or merit system, or a system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production or to employees who work in different locations, provided that such differences are not the result of an intention to discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, nor shall it be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to give and to act upon the results of any professionally developed ability test provided that such test, its administration or action upon the results is not designed, intended or used to discriminate because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
• What would be convincing: Bear in mind that these authors argue against the usefulness of our meta - analysis by suggesting that the sex difference only emerges in one cell of what would be a 16 - cell design — the «young - age - long - term - relationship - third - party - coder - ratings - control - variables - accounted - for» cell.
David Buss et al. (2011) reviewed numerous studies on this point, noting the following highly replicable findings are relevant for evaluating sex differences in the psychological design of short - term mating (to paraphrase): Men generally relax their level of selectivity when short - term mating, whereas women's standards, especially for «sexiness,» go up when short - term mating.
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