Sentences with phrase «sex differentiation»

Sex differentiation refers to the process by which an embryo or fetus develops into a male or female. It involves the development of the reproductive organs, secondary sexual characteristics (such as breasts or facial hair), and the overall physical and physiological differences between males and females. Full definition
Stepping out of the caveman's shadow: Nations» gender gap predicts degree of sex differentiation in mate preferences.
Avoid Bisphenol - A During Pregnancy Bisphenol - A is a ubiquitous plastic that interferes with sex differentiation and damages chromosomes.
Lactiferous ducts form well before testosterone causes sex differentiation in a fetus.
Hokkaido University researchers have revealed that key sex - determining genes continue to operate in a mammalian species that lacks the Y chromosome, taking us a step further toward understanding sex differentiation.
Two, JARID2 and JMJD3, are part of a family of genes called the Jumonji family, which are known to influence sex differentiation in other animals.
Unlike studies of candidate genes involved in sex differentiation, the positional cloning approach is candidate - blind, so it is intriguing that the region we identified as causing a sex specific increase in wing size (ws1) also contains the 5 ′ UTR of the sex - signaling gene doublesex.
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