Sentences with phrase «sex discrimination law»

It will now be up to states and school districts to interpret whether federal sex discrimination law applies to gender identity.
What's more, some states are taking a cue from federal courts and expanding their own sex discrimination laws to cover orientation and identity.
Sex discrimination laws prevent dismissal on the grounds of pregnancy or childbirth.
The Fawcett Society recently published its analysis of the efficacy of sex discrimination law in the UK («the Report»).
March 27, 2018 • Conservative Christian colleges are worried that their doctrinal commitments with respect to LGBT issues could run afoul of sex discrimination law under Title IX and jeopardize federal financial aid.
The report, which is the conclusion of the Fawcett Society's Sex Discrimination Law Review (SDLR) Panel, also found that violence against women and...
The Fawcett Society has just launched a major review of the UK's sex discrimination laws in response to the risk...
The report, which is the conclusion of the Fawcett Society's Sex Discrimination Law Review (SDLR) Panel, also found that violence against women and girls is «endemic» in the UK.
Indeed, some even asked candidates during interviews if they plan to begin a family — even though this is banned under sex discrimination law: 52 % of managers admitted weighing up the chances of a candidate getting pregnant, considering factors such as a woman's age and marital status.
The WSJ Juggle Blog reports on an Ohio Supreme Court decision finding that a company that fired a female employee who took unscheduled breaks from work to pump breast milk did not violate Ohio's pregnancy discrimination or sex discrimination laws.
The sex discrimination laws have become sexier.
The Fawcett Society has just launched a major review of the UK's sex discrimination laws in response to the risk that long - established rights could be eroded or weakened as a result of Brexit and the UK leaving the EU single market.
It was set up to review the UK's sex discrimination laws in response to the risk that long - established rights could be eroded or weakened as a result of Brexit and leaving the EU single market.
These are the biggest changes to the sex discrimination laws for some time.
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