Sentences with phrase «sex less than a couple»

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In states lacking non-discrimination policies for LGBT people, gay men tend to be penalized most, Klawitter's research indicates, with gay men in same - sex couples earning about 30 percent less than their counterparts in opposite - sex couples.
Those whose sex life is satisfying and beautiful may have intercourse with less frequency than unhappy couples who are frantically proving their sexuality or searching for a solution to their emotional pain.
«DOMA instructs all federal officials, and indeed all persons with whom same - sex couples interact, including their own children, that their marriage is less worthy than the marriages of others,» Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the court.
The other (mostly theoretical) victims are the children, adopted or otherwise, of gay and lesbian couples, who may face the less than ideal situation of lacking parents of both sexes.
(Wait, they can disagree but only if it is to take a more strict rather than less strict view — the people who think one drink is sin are allow to say so where the couple who think sex outside of legal marriage isn't sin aren't allowed to say so.)
Couples who had sex more than once a week didn't report being any happier, and those who had sex less than once a week reported feeling less fulfilled,» NBC News reports.
And as Johnson and Loscocco note, married black couples are at greater risk of divorce; they have lower marital happiness and satisfaction than white spouses; they disagree more than white spouses about such things as sex, kids and money; and black women get less benefits from marriage than white women and even black men do.
It makes same - sex couples second tier citizens who receive less protection and have fewer rights than others.
«We know that on average, singles have relatively less sexual activity than coupled people — singles tend to have lower rates of sexual frequency likely because they have to first find a partner to have sex with,» Garcia said.
Sex advice columnist Dan Savage, a longtime proponent of «monogamish» marriage, says most gay couples inherently understand males need multiple sexual partners and have much less of a problem with incorporating the need for sexual variety into their partnerships than heterosexual couples do.
REUTERS — Oct 6 — Being too tired for sex is less of a problem for married Britons than for U.S. or Australian couples, eHarmony has found.
John Abraham - Priya Runchal: Following John's break - up with Bipasha Basu, he got into a relationship with investment banker and financial consultant Priya Do you ever wonder whether you and your spouse have less sex than other couples or if your married sex life unhealthy?
If your brother does fight less with his partners than you do, this is probably not because his partners are of the same sex; rather, it probably has more to do with the fact that some couples just approach conflict very differently.
As it turns out, couples who doubled the frequency of sex were in fact less happy than couples who weren't given any such instructions.
A 12 - year study by Dr. Gottman and Dr. Robert Levenson of the University of California at Berkeley found that same - sex couples are less likely than straight couples to use hostile emotional tactics — including domineering, belligerence, and fear — with each other.
Only a few studies have examined complementarity in existing romantic relationships: In one study, in which undergraduate students rated their own parents» personalities, complementarity appeared quite often, but greater complementarity was actually seen in divorced than still - married couples.5 Another study of romantic couples found very little complementarity, except within highly satisfied couples.6 Yet another study found good evidence for the phenomenon, with couples being similar on affiliation and opposite on dominance.7 Finally, a study of same - sex female couples found no similarity on affiliation and found that those who had opposite personalities when it came to dominance were actually less satisfied with their relationships.8 As can be plainly seen, these results are quite inconsistent.
Although parents spent less time cuddling after sex than couples without kids (it might be harder for busy parents to find the time), spending more time cuddling after sex was more strongly linked to satisfaction for couples with kids than those without.
Indeed, as recently as 2013, an article in the American Sociological Review found that couples who divided housework more equally had lower marital and sexual satisfaction and less frequent sex than couples where the woman did the bulk of the household labor.
One recent highly publicized article reported that married couples who split domestic chores in an egalitarian manner had sex less often, and reported less satisfaction with their sex lives, than couples who adhered to more to conventional gender behaviors.
If you are one of those less happy couples having sex less than once per week, here are some tips for you to incorporate:
Interestingly, research on cohabitating couples found sex to be a more important variable in part because the option for divorce is easier in many cases — legally, emotionally and economically and less sexual satisfaction is more likely to lead to relationship termination than in legally defined unions.
«One - third of all couples within 2 years of marriage or deep commitment are sexless or low - sexed — which means they do it less than twice a month,» she says.
Research shows that couples with a TV in the bedroom have sex 50 % less often than couples with no TV in the bedroom.
A HUD study released last June found that same - sex couples were less likely to receive favorable responses to e-mail inquiries about advertised rental housing than heterosexual couples — even in states with legislative protections.
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