Sentences with phrase «sex life as»

Another misconception is that sex - starved couples present their sex life as their primary issue when they come into couples therapy.
Think of your sex life as a barometer for the general overall health of your marriage.
«Making time to be together and keep one's sex life as an important part of one's relationship is very important, and putting in effort and keeping things fun and interesting are crucial components.»
«As the story unfolds, the pair maintain a delightful banter centered as much around their sex life as their pursuit of artworks and the crooks who would trade them for enough cash to finance a new and even more nefarious Nazi regime.
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I'm a true believer of fitness and good health, but I also believe in having a healthy sex life as well.
I gave them three tools for developing emotional intimacy plus a few exercises to heat up their sex life as well as deepen their emotional connection.
Based on this article written, exercise will boost your mood and ultimately increase your sex life as well.
Sex or relationship therapists are often reluctant to quantify how much sex qualifies a sex life as «normal», but some may suggest having sex once or twice a week is pretty average.
While setting yourself up for orgasm disappointment is certainly something to avoid, realize that having tunnel vision for that climax can put a damper on your sex life as well.
I agree that cutting out tv and Internet is a good step for a happy sex life as well as happy family life (we don't have cable or ever watch tv).
Pregnancy can wreak havoc on your sex life as you and your partner cope with your changing body and mood - killing symptoms like fatigue and nausea.
In 2002, news reports emanating from Lithuania indicated that a food company there had started production of a new sauce intended to spice up the sex life as well as the palate — a testosterone - boosting ketchup.
The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, whose males stalk the females and woo them with song before mating, can have sex lives as complicated as those of humans.
«The Happiness Index: Love and Relationships in America» of 1000 couples reveals that 64 percent of Americans are «very happy» in their romantic relationships, with a partner or spouse with almost half being happy with their sex lives as well.
Show teases blazing rows and stalled sex lives as couples prepare to reveal... — Those applying to the show are subjected to workshops, interviews, background...
Because research has shown that women tend to desire sex less, and reduce their sexual activity, as they age, the new finding that women become more satisfied with their sex lives as they get older raises two possible explanations, Barrett - Connor said.
In a 6 month study of sexual satisfaction in a marriage, researchers found that both men and women's expectations of the amount of sex and quality of their sex lives as newlyweds acted like a self - fulfilling prophecy for later in their marriage.

Not exact matches

Like - minded people in internet forums sometimes use «Chad» and «Stacy» as dismissive slang for men and women with more robust sex lives.
Your business life may not come with quite as many cocktails, or quite as much sex.
They're not gonna live under a president who thinks of them as a collection of sex toys.
Don't be afraid to be as open with your pals about financials as Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda were about their sex lives.
A good sex life is as important as a lot of other things we focus on.
Like everyone else, I am on some level merely curious as to whether there are embarrassing facts — or, even more embarrassing, tapes or photos — about the president's sex life.
For if a man or a woman's body — or his or her status as a married person, or his capacity to be a father or hers to be a mother — doesn't matter for his or her sex life, why, then, should anyone imagine that the body of the Son of God matters, whether it is in a manger, on a cross, risen, or fully and really present under the signs of bread and wine?
I am very happily engaged to the love of my life, who happens to be the same sex as me.
We don't see sex as an icon of the life of God any more because we've tarred it.
About 20 % of the men I interviewed were acutally gay (meaning they were wired that way and there wasn't no changing their behaivor and a few «parts» were irregular as well), 30 % of the men had some major trauma in their young lives and were confused with who they were and were trying to belong somewhere when it became hip to be gay in the 90's and 50 % of the men (to my surprise) were married men looking for nasty sex.
He frequently cites the work of Frank Furstenburg and Arlie Hochschild, two sociologists of family and gender relations whose views are by no means ideologically conservative, and he avoids value - loaded language, especially when it comes to describing the mainline Protestant churches whose leadership has, by and large, capitulated to the secular - elitist acceptance of extramarital sex, abortion, homosexuality, and other practices that conservative Christians view as inimical to moral life and family health.
And the Church teaches that the freedom of religion may not be infringed by government mandates that persons act contrary to what their consciences tell them about the truth of such things as the sanctity of life, the dignity of marriage, and the reality of sex as the basis of «gender.»
It's fine, Steve, for you to believe «unrepentant gays» (for example, people who choose to live as God created them, in committed same - sex relationships) are going to hell.
Mark Curtis Anderson describes life as the son of a Baptist preacher, struggling with sex, drugs and rock «n» roll as...
That movie, for all it's exhilarating presentation of youthful life on the road as you experience those who make music which can speak to large audiences, is nonetheless all about how you ought to get sucked into the rock «n roll way of life (albeit eschewing the drugs and sex part of it) because somehow rock «n roll is supposedly important.
Evangelical culture tends to treat women as if their primary purpose in life is to give our husband sex.
Pornography... is essentially sentimental, for it leaves out the connection of sex with its hard purpose, and so far disconnects it from its meaning in life as to make it simply an experience for its own sake.
California, leading the Gadarene rush over the cliff as usual, now provides state - funded «sex - reassignment surgery» to prisoners; the first recipient of this «benefit» was Shiloh Heavenly Quine, a first - degree murderer / kidnapper serving a life sentence with no chance of parole.
Just over a year ago, some friends and I launched, telling our stories of being accepted and welcomed, and showing that living biblically as a same - sex orientated Christian is plausible and fulfilling.
To hold that same - sex marriage is part of the fundamental right to marry, or necessary for giving LGBT people the equal protection of the laws, the Court implicitly made a number of other assumptions: that one - flesh union has no distinct value in itself, only the feelings fostered by any kind of consensual sex; that there is nothing special about knowing the love of the two people whose union gave you life, whose bodies gave you yours, so long as you have two sources of care and support; that what children need is parenting in some disembodied sense, and not mothering and fathering.
Christ necessarily became male because this is the sex that expresses in its identity most fully His role as Saviour and Life - giver for all humanity, a role that is determining, dynamic and initiating.
The only sex that can articulate and embody Christ's role as Bridegroom and Life - giver to the Church, as the onewho is ever present to care for her, is the male one.
If we found our life on sex as meaning we will soon be distraught at the deterioration of age, the changes in relationships, times when it can't be had, ect.
Ours is indeed a consumeristic culture, the kind that too often turns people into commodities, and I believe Christians can speak into that culture in a unique, life - giving way — not only as it concerns sex - on - demand, but also as it concerns food - on - demand, celebrity - on - demand, stuff - on - demand, cheap - goods - on - demand, pornography - on - demand, entertainment - on - demand, comfort - on - demand, distraction - on - demand, information - on - demand, power - on - demand, energy - on - demand, and all those habits that tend to thrive at the expense of the dignity and value of our fellow human beings or our planet.
19:3 - 12) Jesus opens his teachings about life in the kingdom of heaven with a discussion of personal morality as it relates to sex and the use of one's sexual endowments.
Several of the book's features are shared with other British theology: a basic concern for intelligent orthodoxy informed by worship; the Trinity as the encompassing doctrine, strongly connected to both church and society; a well - articulated response to modernity; a wide range of «mediations,» through various discourses and aspects of contemporary life (philosophy, history, friendship, sex, politics, aesthetics, the visual arts and music); a special affinity for the patristic period; and a preference for the essay genre.
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
«Since that time of self - discovery,» he says, «I have struggled week in and week out to know how to live faithfully as a Christian who experiences same - sex attraction.»
The second principle for a sexual ethic is that we have to speak of sex, as of every aspect of human life, in a double way, from the standpoint of essential created goodness, and the distortion produced by sin.
Sex is treated as torment, or possession, or weapon against the world; but the note of gratitude for sexuality as enrichment of life, for ecstatic joy and the serenity of faithful companionship, all this gets left out of the meaning of sSex is treated as torment, or possession, or weapon against the world; but the note of gratitude for sexuality as enrichment of life, for ecstatic joy and the serenity of faithful companionship, all this gets left out of the meaning of sexsex.
But life is not found here either, for sex is one human being sharing with another on the deepest level, and this is patently impossible when love and community are separated from sex or when one relates to a sex partner as a thing, as impersonal as a partner from a rent - a-body agency.
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