Sentences with phrase «sex objects»

The phrase "sex objects" refers to people or things that are treated solely as means of sexual gratification, rather than being regarded as individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and worth. Full definition
Women can be viewed as sex objects by men, as existing for the pleasure of men at the choice of the man.
They also don't receive any sort of guidance and are treated as mere sex objects.
Women can be viewed as sex objects by men, as existing for the pleasure of a man and only at the choice of the man.
They're portrayed as one - dimensional sex objects.
It would be a lot cheaper, and the message of women as sex objects would be a lot clearer.
There have been several instances where women have been used a mere sex objects by older men, who had no intention of getting into a relationship with them.
I classify this subset of characters as Non-Playable Sex Objects.
Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson are back in the lead roles, again photographed like sex objects with every pore examined in all its widescreen glory.
People are being reduced to sex objects of lustful pleasure rather than being given the dignity of a person.
If our society hadn't turned boobs into sex objects molestation survivors would never even make a connection between sexual trauma and breastfeeding.
Caroline Lucas, parliament's only Green MP, says there is a link between portraying women as sex objects in the media, and harassment.
You know, to flout sexist, unfair social standards about how obscene women's bodies are because we're viewed only as sex objects so how dare we use our bodies in public for something non-sexual, meanwhile, there goes a pack of shirtless men jogging by like it's not even a thing.
Adolph Gottlieb had totemic grids in the 1940s, and Sue Williams has been simulating Willem de Kooning in carpets of sex objects for some time now.
At the time, Lara Croft was nothing more than a polygonal sex object with pointy boobs and short - shorts.
This exhibition seeks to expand the conceptions of queerness beyond same - sex object choice to the eroticism and sensuous qualities of materials, animate and inanimate.
Because breasts are exclusively sex objects, right?
Some men take this as permission to process and react to these women not as people, but as fantasy sex objects without personal sexual boundaries.»
Without consent, there's no practical yardstick for what is right or wrong, so all we have left is a set of tangled - up beliefs about women being sex objects who are wholly responsible for what happens to them.
Guterl describes a 1927 French film starring Baker as Papitou, a sprightly tropical sex object whose «breasts are on routine display.»
But what she was selling on her website, more or less, was herself as a muscle - glorified sex object.
Or if «love» sounds too off - putting, for a little affection, for a little attentiveness to our partners, given they are human beings and not just sex objects
White person is longer considered dating background check free sex objects and not services other than the sex, dominates behaviors of Sleep page and online dating site for seniors over 77 now has the best treatment of women.
There was a bleakness to that young - adult dystopia, of course, but there's a darker strain of anger to this film, which at times rubs the audiences» faces in just what an anonymous sex object Dominika is to the men (and sometimes women) around her.
Equally as soothing is its story, a simplistic tale of repressed love that carries some redeeming value by focusing on how women who live in a society that treats them as second - class citizens and sex objects manage to use what tools they have to manipulate themselves into higher positions in society.
Each step in their not - so elaborate escape plan is told via a special effects heavy fantasy sequence set to loud rock music covers of over-familiar songs in which Baby Doll imagines herself to be a machinegun - toting sex object inspired by computer games and anime.
Fargeat subverts the male gaze throughout the film, transforming Jen from a nubile sex object to a hard - bitten angel of vengeance, making Revenge more empowering than cruder films of this type.
The two nerds are too intimidated to actually make a move on her and as the story progresses, you realize that they're learning a little bit about how to treat real women (i.e., not as mindless sex objects) through the tutelage of the one they created themselves.
The women are all cookie - cutter sex objects while every man is a supercharged horndog that thinks about nothing but sex.
Her next role is in A Woman of No Importance, which, if her agent keeps sticking her into one - dimensional sex object roles, will mostly be a prescient title for her career.
Herman:... why I love living in the future, where women are heroes and men get to be sinister sex objects.
Sometimes they're created to be glorified furniture but they are frequently programmed as minimally interactive sex objects to be used and abused.
The Witcher games include a variety of side missions involving the player character attempting to rescue or protect non-playable sex objects from assault or rape by thugs.
In her monumental sculpture, Flack has worked to change the representation of women in art, presenting them as strong, intelligent, purposeful individuals rather than «mere sex objects gazing up at a general on a horse,» according to a release from the WCA.
When his turn came to speak, Robinson said that, in the art world at least, the war with patriarchy is over, everybody knows all about vaginas — as well as penises — and nobody thinks anymore that women are mere sex objects subject to the infamous male gaze.
The sex addict has viewed thousands of images that have conditioned his brain to sexually arousing visual sex objects.
When respected journals — Nature for example — use terms such as «Prehistoric pin - up» and «35,000 - year - old sex object», and a German museum proclaims that a figurine is either an «earth mother or pin - up girl» (as if no other roles for women could have existed in prehistory), they carry weight and authority.
The leading cause of unwanted pregnancy is men treating women like sex objects to satisfy their lusts.
In many open world or sandbox style games, developers construct their virtual worlds in such a way as to enable players to directly abuse non-playable sex objects.
How can a magazine that upholds the personal achievements of women athletes throughout most of the year turn women into sex objects, depersonalizing and exploiting them?
«I think that women in the 21st century can aspire to more than being sex objects for the titivation of men.
This exhibition — co-curated by Noam Parness, Risa Puleo, and Daniel Sander — seeks to expand the conceptions of queerness beyond same - sex object choice to the eroticism and sensuous qualities of materials, animate and inanimate.
Even censoring the female form was a liberatory act, he says, since it allowed women to be seen as individuals rather than as mere sex objects.
Women are interrupted, demeaned and treated as sex objects as they walk to school, head to a bar or explore a tourist spot.
I get to tell them «Hey, you don't need to look like a sex object, a guy should like you for who you are inside.
I taught my girls not to think like a sex object, there is a big difference.
It is also not a woman's fault if a man ogles her and treats her like a sex object; it's his.
Why adopt the Kleenex mentality that casually discards the sex object after its use?
Terms in the ordinance such as «sex object» and «subordination» are vague, FACT asserted, and could be interpreted in a number of ways.
But if I'm honest with myself, I have to admit that I do tend to see a woman first as a sex object — I look her up and down, and if she doesn't appeal I classify her as mannish, or domineering, or plain, or old.
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