Sentences with phrase «sex slavery»

"Sex slavery" refers to a form of human trafficking where individuals, usually women and children, are forced or coerced into engaging in sexual exploitation against their will. Full definition
Most of the others are still missing and are believed to either have been forced into marriages with the terrorists or were sold into sex slavery.
And even though we reached our goal, you can still make a donation to help rescue young girls from sex slavery.
They work with children in many parts of the world, and one of the areas they specialize in is with rescuing children for the horrors of sex slavery.
If the people reading the post were really concerned about sex slavery and human trafficking, wouldn't some of them leave a comment?
People want to stop sex slavery First, it could be that people are getting concerned about the plight of human trafficking and sex slaves around the world.
Sex slavery really is happening in our country, and someone needs to stand up for these girls.
They were talking about how college campuses could help rescue people who were forced into sex slavery.
Although the fund raising campaign is over, I will continue to make occasional blog posts about rescuing girls from sex slavery and what you can do to get involved.
Last week's Passion 2010 conference brought in over $ 1 million to fund 12 different causes such as an education center for the Dalit in India, rescuing people trapped in sex slavery in Nepal and building wells.
Whereas in some countries rape victims are left behind to tell the tale, in others, such as Iraq, they are systematically sold into sex slavery by their captors.
Wendy and I want to thank everyone who participated in the Change Their Story campaign, either by giving money or by becoming aware of the child sex slavery problem here in the United States and purposing to get involved in some way in the future.
She's made the Forbes Midas List twice, and, according to the Silicon Valley Business Journal, has also «taught in Kenya, trekked after wild gorillas in Africa and now serves as chairperson of the Somaly Mam Foundation, which focuses on ending sex slavery of underage girls around the world.»
Like how modern sex slavery is better than the African - American slavery of the old South.
The operation is a part of a wider initiative aimed to prosecute sex slavery that has spanned the United States and other countries including Cambodia, Canada, the Philippines and Thailand.
Another girl in India was rescued from sex slavery today through Children's Hope Chest and their partner organization, India Rescue Mission.
The same goes for stopping human sex slavery.
Similarly, Taken starring Liam Neeson, pushed the public conversation in 2008 toward modern day sex slavery, in a way that no book release or news coverage could have.
I learned one of the most important life lessons quickly when I lived in India with young women who had survived years of literal sex slavery: People's stories of pain and suffering are sacred.
Horrific reports are coming out of Mosul, where ISIS still has a stronghold: According to a Kurdish Democratic Party spokesperson, at least 250 girls were executed by the radical Islamic militants after they resisted sex slavery and refused to be a part of forced marriages with ISIS terrorists.
Getting involved in the sex slave industry can be quite dangerous, so for now, most people should educate themselves, give to organizations that fight sex slavery, and take what political action they can to increase the penalty on men who purchase prostituted women and girls, thereby decreasing the demand.
«An in - depth look at the personal journey of Xate Singali: from her roots as a famous singer in Kurdistan, through ISIS sex slavery, and to her new life as a soldier on the front lines as she starts a female - only Iraqi fighting unit called the Sun Ladies.»
Loretta spoke with Sun News regarding «Operation Northern Spotlight», a human trafficking / sex slavery sting operation that interviewed hundreds of women across Canada.
Children's Hope Chest has similar plans to rescue dozens of such girls from sex slavery in Russia.
One woman, who lived in a small Kansas town, spoke about her ordeal of being sold into sex slavery by her parents.
Also, everyone who donated was put in a drawing for a free copy of Priceless, a book by Tom Davis which tells the story of rescuing girls from sex slavery in Russia.
Documentary on Chinese women forced into sex slavery by the Japanese during World War II.
The average person in the West hears about sex slavery in India or forced labor on the fishing boats of Asia, and it doesn't feel like their problem.
Linda Smith goes into great detail about how many children are enslaved, where they come from, how they are enslaved, what is being done to stop child sex slavery, and what organizations are out there that you and I can get involved with.
The whole thing would also be a fund raiser to end sex slavery and human trafficking around the world.
Sudara is happy to be able to provide safe, sustainable jobs for women in India so they can make their way out of sex slavery and stay out.
IT was 2007 when Hancock Prospecting chairman and director Gina Rinehart read a harrowing story about Cambodian prostitution and sex slavery.
One of the most challenging points to get across about this issue in general is that a larger proportion of the exploitation resides inside forced manual labor, rather than in sex slavery.
It's understandable that sex slavery, specifically child slavery, gets the lion's share of attention.
The same week I watched Beauty and the Beast, we also had our annual Australian Prayer Gathering where we stepped into the breach on behalf of the millions of global poor who are trapped, whether in sex slavery, forced labour, in trauma from abuse or in a system that doesn't protect them when the powerful exploit them.
«Here's a photo of me with a miserable beggar,» or «Here's a photo of me with a prostitute we rescued from sex slavery
Some women have been rescued from sex slavery.
When many Americans think of sex slavery, they imagine countries on others sides of the world — not their own neighborhoods.
Whenever I post a cartoon that reveals my advocacy for the LGBT community and for marriage equality, I usually get comments that if I advocate that, then I'm also advocating pedophilia, rape, bestiality, sex slavery and more.
CNN's Brooke Baldwin talks to Rafael Romo about a religious cult whose members were believed to be victims of sex slavery.
We covered a lot of ground this week, and we told a lot of stories, but there are still many stories we didn't tell — stories of human trafficking and sex slavery, stories of men abused by women, stories of redemption and reconciliation, stories of abuse on the mission field.
Once again, we want to say thank you to everyone who helped us raise money to rescue girls from sex slavery in Russia.
In certain countries, many women have no rights in society, are sold like cattle for a bride price, forced into sex slavery and in some places, not even allowed to show their face in public.
While all three are important, of the $ 52,000 raised, almost $ 40,000 went to rescuing girls from sex slavery in Russia.
A special thanks goes out to my wife and three daughters, who gave up almost all of their Christmas gifts this year to put the money toward rescuing Russian girls caught in sex slavery.
They have a holistic perspective on rescuing girls caught in sex slavery.
He was actively working with the police to locate minors caught in sex slavery, and had witnessed a particularly gut - wrenching night.
How much would you pay for a girl's freedom from sex slavery?
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