Sentences with phrase «sexual interaction»

In short, dogs do not need to breed but frustration may come out of a lack of sexual interactions from the male.
Emotionally committed relationships become contentious because these growth processes surface in sexual interactions and other intimate exchanges.
The duty of care within the context of marriage is enormous, and that includes sexual interaction.
For many of my characters, they lack the ability to communicate effectively verbally, so they show how they feel through sexual interaction.
What would be your solution to long term, chronic lack of sexual interaction within the context of a romantic relationship wherein sexual fidelity is the rule?
Not surprisingly, the data show that couples who have fewer and or less intense positive sexual interactions are at higher risk, as are those who report low sexual satisfaction.
Using protection during intimate sexual interaction is pretty obvious.
It is proposed that people flirt for a variety of different reasons including the desire to increase sexual interaction.
The talking together of «verbal intercourse» and enjoying sexual interactions both are considered vital ingredients of a full and healthy marriage relationship.
By manipulating these interactions over many generations, we've been able to test the importance of two aspects of sexual interaction — male competition and the choice of females for mates.
Miles Obradovich, owner of Obradovich Law, said via email that the issue at the centre of the appeal «is whether the paramount principle of protection of the public in the context of reduced tolerance for sexual interaction by doctors with their patients warrants a departure from the range of penalty previously given for this type of behaviour.»
Cuomo said he plans to introduce legislation requiring universities to adopt an affirmative consent policy for sexual interactions at college campuses statewide.
According to lead author Marie Pelé of the University of Strasbourg in France, the interaction observed in Japan differed from the Antarctic case, as it involved sexual interaction without penetration, and also included mate guarding by the monkey.
Unfortunately, Bravo relies on old tropes of «good» and «bad» guys and contrived awkward sexual interactions.
It helps me elicit crucial information and categorize a labyrinth of possible concerns regarding sexual interactions.
For a small percentage of women, achieving orgasm has never been difficult and continues to be a regular occurrence during sexual interaction with a partner.
This may be so because the physical strength and aggressive behaviors that males develop through male - male competition can also be used in male - female sexual interactions, which are all lumped into «male sex drive» a term proposed by Singh as a complement to Darwin's «female choice.»
The mass media are filled with romantic images of male - female relationships, and the myth prevails that «to be carried away» by one's sexual urges is a sure sign of love, which justifies sexual interaction.
«It's like you had two men entering a village, convincing everyone to speak a new language and adopt new tools, having a little sexual interaction, then disappearing,» he says.
This supports in healthier sexual erection throughout sexual interaction and supports you last lengthier in the couch.
Other factors that contribute to great sexual interaction include physical, spiritual, mental / psychological, and emotional connection (which each includes subsets of even more facets).
According to Urban Dictionary, femdom stands for female domination and means «a woman (or action in which a woman) dominates sexual interaction with her mate.»
There were some oddly sexual interactions between some of the male contestants
Expect an overdose of sexual innuendo, brief sexual interaction (seen during the closing credits), scatological humor (a single bathroom in their apartment motivates a desperate Jack to urinate into the kitchen sink) and crass comments involving anatomy.
When a female dog is ready to be bred, she may initiate sexual interactions with other dogs, elevate her hind quarters toward males when they approach, deflect her tail to one side and tense her rear legs.
Sims evolved from blocky, robotic lumps of polygons to actual humanoids with aspirations, careers, and babies made through actual (implied) sexual interaction instead of prolonged make - out sessions.
Passionate Marriage Couples Retreats and Weekends decode the «language» of sex, revealing how sexual interactions say a lot about you, your partner, and your relationship.
Results revealed that participants who evaluated their virginity loss positively (i.e., those who felt the experience was characterized by greater intimacy and mutual respect) reported that their current sexual interactions were the most satisfying, both physically and emotionally.
Research demonstrates that social and emotional learning programs raise students» standardized test scores by an average of 11 percentile points, while improving attitudes, behavior, and interpersonal communication, and decreasing problematic conduct, such as drug use, high - risk sexual interaction, and aggression.
They understand their partner's go - to ideal sexual experiences and are aware that their partner may want to explore new sexual interactions, and know how to oscillate between these two decision - making processes.
Let's say that you and your partner find yourselves in a vicious power struggle — arguing all the time, failing to behave kindly, growing resentful and withholding sexual interaction.
Johnson also thinks spouses should stay away from too much internet porn, because it quickly dulls the senses for normal sexual interaction.
When working with heterosexual couples there is lots of research and literature that can be used to guide treatment and educate couples about how the frequency of sex changes over the course of the lifespan (i.e. sexual interactions decrease after the birth of a child.)
Intimacy is sometimes used to denote sexual interactions because of the closeness these interactions usually involve.
Their co-authored article entitled «Adult - Nonadult Sexual Interactions» was promoted in that publication's Winter 1995 issue.»
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Saturday he plans to introduce legislation requiring universities to adopt an affirmative consent policy for sexual interactions at college campuses statewide.
Join now for Armenian chat with single Armenian girls & men Erotic romance novels are stories written about the development of a romantic relationship through sexual interaction.
We were troubled by girls» graphic narrative responses that demonstrated that boys often bullied girls with demeaning comments about the girls» appearance and demands for sexual interactions, particularly oral sex.
It is actually more typical for these interactions to result in cohabitation and sexual interactions without the need to actually make to wedding, however when this does happen it is known as interracial dating for wedding.
Square button skips right through all of the dialog, for those of you that want to get to actually playing the game instead of voyeurism of middle school age girls» awkward sexual interactions.
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