Sentences with phrase «sexual stimulation»

Any kind of sexual stimulation drives up dopamine, which is associated with romantic love, and triggers other «feel good» hormones to wash over the brain.
For instance, warm water in the shower can cause your milk to start, as can sexual stimulation from your partner.
The most commonly recommended treatments for such issues include couples counseling, an increase in sexual stimulation, sexual education, sex therapy and finally, estrogen and testosterone therapies.
If you were not expressing breast milk, avoid pumping for comfort and avoid nipple stimulation, which includes sexual stimulation.
When the addict feels board, he is more prone to be tempted to pursue porn or other sexual stimulation.
Lesbians find new and innovative ideas for sexual stimulation.
However, when any woman experiences orgasmic response to effective sexual stimulation, the vagina and clitoris react in consistent physiologic patterns.
If expecting parents and their health care provider are especially concerned about the possibility of having a premature birth due to relevant family medical history or other factors, it is best to avoid excessive sexual stimulation during the third trimester.
This is another form of sexual stimulation among lesbians or dykes as they are called.
Following Mirabilis, her highly acclaimed debut, Susann Cokal blends pre-Raphaelite painting, American brothels, Utahan polygamists, a bit of cross-dressing, a dynamite - wielding labor movement, one California millionaire, and the invention of electrical sexual stimulation (as treatment for consumption) into a comic novel that gallops across the American West.
The material in quotes was your headline on a letter from a man who said that if you ask what time it is, the answer is sex time and that our nation is being inundated with sexual stimulation from numerous sources.
An orgasm also known as a sexual climax, is a pleasurable physical, psychological or emotional response to prolonged sexual stimulation.
It turns out that the same regions of your face that redden during sexual stimulation also heat up, slightly, during innocent social interactions.
At the University of Arizona, chemist Victor Hruby and his colleagues have been tweaking a peptide hormone, Melanotan II, that can be squirted up the nose to induce hands - free sexual stimulation in both men and women.
These physical changes, coupled with anxious thoughts, can further mess with your awareness of physical sexual stimulation, says Cooper, which inhibits orgasm.
Looking for someone who is happy but lacking sexual stimulation must be discreet and married as I am also married
1st base - french kissing, 2nd base - Fondling, 3rd base - Oral sex and sexual stimulation by hand -LRB-.
Reducing sexual stimulation (removing mirrors, placing birds of opposite sex that are caged separately out of sound range from each other) may be helpful.
The panel found he subjected the teenaged patient to «protracted sexual stimulation with him» at a health clinic.
Because the typical motion of penile thrusting does not seem to provide adequate sexual stimulation for many women.
difference in the responses of the pelvic viscera to effective sexual stimulation, regardless of whether the stimulation occurs as a result of clitoral - body or mons area manipulation,... or, for that matter, specific stimulation of any other erogenous area of the female body.
(And, no, the device doesn't vibrate and is NOT meant for sexual stimulation.
This is another form of sexual stimulation among lesbians or dykes as they are often called.
Incidentally, the use of «electrical sexual stimulation» as a medical treatment is well recorded right up to the 1920s - but we can find no record of it being used as a treatment for consumption - only as a treatment for «hysteria» in women.
A dildo is an object having the shape and often the appearance of an erect penis, used in sexual stimulation.
According to the Classification Board, the character Connie is under 18, therefore the gameplay described above constitutes a «simulation of sexual stimulation of a child».
The individual woman knows best the areas of her strongest sensual focus and the rapidity and intensity of manipulative technique that provides her with the greatest degree of sexual stimulation.
known function is that of serving as an erotic focus for both afferent and efferent forms of sexual stimulation» (op.
Some kind of sexual stimulation should be applied for an erection to take place with los cialis uk compran paypal.
You may also find that at times they're too tender for touching or sexual stimulation.
Many women have nipples that appear flat most of the time, but then become erect when they are exposed to cold temperature or sexual stimulation.
The dose of.1 mg / kg is used for the purpose of sexual stimulation.
It is a libido booster that is made for improving * sex drive, desire, sexual stimulation, and orgasm.
The drug increases the blood flow to the penis at the time of sexual stimulation that induces erection thus treating the erectile dysfunction and i...
Sexual activities and sexual stimulation are responsible for making the level of testosterone to rise.
And many men report that strengthening the PC muscles through Kegel exercises allows them to edge closer to this «point of inevitability» without cresting the mountaintop of ejaculation and descending into the gentle valley of the flaccid and the «refractory» period, where the penis is temporarily unresponsive to sexual stimulation.
By using Tantric semen retention methods men can learn to manage their sexual response, and condition their bodies so that sexual stimulation can last for as long as they choose.
David Schnarch coined the term, «wall socket sex «in his book Passionate Marriage, describing an emotional and sexual stimulation that can create an «electric» connection in sexual intimacy.
Child sexual abuse is any interaction between a child and an adult (or another child) in which the child is used for the sexual stimulation of the perpetrator or an observer.
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