Sentences with phrase «shackles of»

Free yourself from the shackles of thinking your email is just a speedy letter writing tool and drop your completely unnecessary email sign - off.
In Trinidad and Tobago, as a small developing country but one of the State leaders in the Caribbean, a major judicial challenge of the society is to escape the colonial shackles of its legal heritage and to create a body of laws, conventions and legal practices that are consistent with its indigenous culture and norms.
Though, even with the shackles of veracity, Carrey makes a last - minute save to his case with a new discovery and a reminder about the difference between void and voidable agreements.
Johana's proposed key to the shackles of static content layouts is to break the sections up into blocks that can be customized individually.
Do you want to be free of the shackles of Apple's iOS native video player?
The penultimate day of the camp saw us decamp to the nearby Île de Sein, where part of the local community is struggling to throw off the shackles of fossil fuel - dependence in favour of community - run renewables.
On one hand, atomic energy offers a clean energy alternative that frees us from the shackles of fossil fuel dependence.
Andrew, I so enjoy reading your comments and historical references as they underline what we face in this battle to free humanity from the physical and mental shackles of GeoEngineering and all of the other oppressive agendas of the power elite.
Once we throw away the shackles of emotionalism and ideology, debate leads to a consideration of nuclear energy.
«Is it politically reprehensible, while we are all groaning, or at any rate ought to be groaning, under the shackles of the capitalist system, to point out that life is frequently more worth living because of a blackbird's song, a yellow elm tree in October, or some other natural phenomenon which does not cost money and does not have what the editors of left - wing newspapers call a class angle?
The lessons we personally learned from the ’08 real estate crash were in large part what motivated us to break from the shackles of high housing costs and to downsize into our 207sf tiny hOMe.
If only the shackles of these evil doers were thrown off we could live a life of luxury forever, with energy too cheap to meter, made in our own basements be a nice perpetual motion machine — yours for $ 499 from your local hardware store.
A doctor explains how he shrugged off the shackles of orthodoxy to look skeptically at the problem of type 2 diabetes and obesity — his name is Peter Attia (surgeon):
Only those enlightened by proper post-modernist, and thus «post-normal» viewpoints and eddycation, are qualified to assess theories and sciences and opinions freed from the shackles of mere normative thinking.
Personally, I have felt the need to break loose of the shackles of loyalty to colleagues and institutions if it comes at the expense of integrity in science and professional conduct.
Nuclear is absolutely needed not just to stop the hand - wringing over climate change but to free mankind from the erstwhile shackles of fossil fuels, which by comparison, is dirty, expensive, inefficient, dangerous to mine, transport, and refine, and fraught with geopolitical dangers and uncertainties.
To these realizations can be added a growing number of countries seeking to throw off the shackles of dirty kerosene expenses (see Kenya's call to be «Kerosene free») and it's clear the situation is ripe for change.
We need to shake off the shackles of the environmental movement as we've come to know it and think anew.
Malevich and his followers conceived of art as a spiritual activity whose purpose was to give man a new vision of the world; their nonobjective paintings were intended to free man from the shackles of natural forms.
The artists involved in the movement strove to reject all - consuming technical progress in favour of handicrafts, renouncing industrial and hi - tech materials and using «poor», non-aesthetic materials such as rags, newspapers and tree branches with the aim of freeing art from the shackles of traditionalism.
In comparison, the exhibition catalogue (MIT Press, 2004) focuses more on the theoretical than on the political implications of this transitional period between high modernism and postmodernism, when the United States overthrew the shackles of European dominance and became a world - class art power.
The shackles of formalism were thrown off.
Louise Nevelson is a woman with an independent mind who threw off the shackles of restrictions and confinement of her life.
According to Gurdjieff, we can only avoid this fate by staying in touch with our Essence and helping it to grow and develop unhindered by the shackles of Personality.
The ideas of «Conceptual Art» introduced by Sol LeWitt in the1960s sought to set art free from the shackles of formalism, and his radical practice had a profound and widespread influence on the artists of his generation and beyond.
Abstraction provides the means to express the real sensation of living, without the shackles of mere representation.
The shackles of slavery, Edinburgh's sugar trade links, Blake's mind - forged manacles: so many histories are embodied in this poor broken nude.
Shaking off the shackles of its industrial reputation, Birmingham — or «Brum» as it's affectionately known — has reinvented itself in recent years and is now a vibrant city with a bustling creative culture bubbling under the surface.
Every now and again, you'll escape the shackles of a particularly grueling maze and be left to roll over grassy knolls or sandy dunes, and what a feeling it is.
The New Colossus picks up where 2014's «The New Order» left off, continuing the story of a Nazi - occupied America and following series protagonist B.J. Blazkowicz and his crew, as they break the shackles of oppression.
Bungie, free from the shackles of the last generation of consoles, has built Destiny 2 for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
But in December 2006, Square Enix shook the very foundations of our RPG beliefs: they announced that Dragon Quest IX would slough off the shackles of menu - based fighting and embrace modernity by becoming... an action RPG.
Alternative Magazine Online recently reviewed To The Moon, an indie RPG / adventure game created by Freebird Games, describing it as «yet another shining example of an indie developer, free from the shackles of a mainstream gaming studio, weaving pure magic.»
Summer is when dreams start to spring to life, free from the shackles of work or school.
For more on Stardew Valley on Indie Obscura, discover how to find a prismatic shard, find out when Stardew Valley is coming to consoles, and free yourself from the shackles of marriage by learning how to get a divorce.
The shackles of linearity, with occasional exception, are largely...
Dark dreams, however, really are hard to kill — Swery recently announced that D4 was headed to PC, this time without the shackles of Microsoft, and it's primed to not only get a second chance at success — a whole lot more content looms on the horizon.
Though the knowledge of that game would enhance the experience, Berseria stands tall on its own merit, overcoming the shackles of its lack - luster companion.
The visual novel Period: Cube ~ Shackles of Amadeus ~ is available today for the PS Vita in North America and Europe.
It takes approximately five minutes for players to free themselves from the shackles of that introductory portion and face the magnificence of Hyrule from the top of a hill.
In Klang, players assume the role of a tuneblade - wielding, elite rave warrior on a quest to free himself from the shackles of Soundlord Sonus.
A surprise visit from his brother whom he previously thought was dead gives Nathan the excuse that he needs to escape the shackles of everyday boring «normal» routine and what follows is a somewhat typical Uncharted adventure, filled with the typical «bad guy», the mysteries of history showing that some of the best architects in the world died a long time ago and this time, with an ending that brings a finality to the proceedings.
There are times in this game where you have to throw off the shackles of accuracy and rely on pure firepower, in sections which borrow less from puzzle platformers and more from bullet hell shooters.
To The Moon (iOS) is a remastered mobile version of the 2011 indie RPG / adventure game of the same name, which AMO's review described as «yet another shining example of an indie developer, free from the shackles of a mainstream gaming studio, weaving pure magic.»
In the game's impressive boss encounters, the dragons depart from their invisible rails in favour of «free flight zones», but the controls are a clumsy hack on top of the normal gameplay, and more often than not the camera and movement controls leave you pining to return to the comforting shackles of the shooting train.
Thanks to the innovative use of geolocalization technology the game experience is freed from the shackles of the screen, and the user's real city becomes the game arena.
Media Molecule's Dreams looks set to equally baffle and delight, shrugging off many of the shackles of the rigours of having to abide by a particular game genre in favour of a magical world and game creation tool.
Breaking free from the shackles of discerning clear winners and losers in gladiatorial fashion, Ben Fruzzetti breaks down all the highs and lows of the Big N's Spotlight presentation with unwavering honesty.
Their Mortal Kombat relaunch was excellent, allowing the studio to really craft a deep and fine - tuned game free from the shackles of ruched development that Midway often subjected their games to.
Try telling that to Siegfried who, after being freed from the shackles of the cursed sword Soul Edge, eventually finds himself wielding Soul Calibur itself in the fourth entry of the series.
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