Sentences with phrase «shade coffee plantations»

Research from the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre has demonstrated that the number of bird species found in shade coffee plantations is almost twice that found in sun grown coffee (Smithsonian 1994).
By maintaining abundant forest cover in shade coffee plantations, they can function as buffer zones and can form the backbone to the biological corridor linking the two national parks and other forest fragments.

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How lush are shade - grown coffee plantations, biotically?
One study suggests arthropod diversity alone — wasps, beetles, spiders, ants — found on a single tree species in shade - grown coffee plantations approximates that found under similar conditions in undisturbed tropical forest.
[There is a] strong indication that the coffee boom of shade - grown coffee does not promote the more bird friendly «song bird coffee» plantations (rustic), but rather promotes more monocultures with Inga and Albizia.
If this conversion occurs, will robusta be grown under shade, or will shaded arabica coffee plantations or forests be replaced by robusta grown in sun monocultures?
This paper looked at the diversity and abundance of frogs and salamanders in an area of tropical montane cloud forest, shade coffee farms, and corn plantations in southern Mexico.
DakMan supports a shade tree nursery, encouraging shaded, varied, green & sustainable coffee plantations
The more complex overstory (and thus shade) in a coffee plantation, the higher the diversity.
Shade - grown coffee plantations provide a sanctuary for many migratory bird species.
Research carried out by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Centre in Colombia and Mexico showed over 90 percent fewer bird species in sun - grown coffee plantations as opposed to shade - grown coffee59.
It seeks to conserve critical biodiversity through the maintenance and enhancement of habitats within shade - coffee plantations, especially within the biological corridor linking two major national parks: El Imposible and Los Volcanes.
As shade coffee maintains the tree canopy, these coffee plantations are particularly important for migratory and resident bird species.
A major transformation took place in the 1970s when nearly all plantations began the use of agrochemicals and shade trees were removed to help prevent the spread of coffee rust.
And deforestation caused by agriculture, particularly coffee plantations, leaves native birds without a habitat, though conservation groups are working with local farmers to promote shade - grown coffee and end clear - cutting.
Studies in Colombia and Mexico indicate that full - sun coffee plantations support 90 % fewer bird species than shade - grown coffee
We know that shade - grown coffee is much easier on the environment than sunny coffee plantations.
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