Sentences with phrase «shadow of the cross»

Outside Jesus there are curious crowds, but inside him there is only the looming shadow of the cross.
They stand not in the dark shadow of the cross but in the rising morning light of the Rtion.
Exoplanet hunters also use the transit method, which scours stars for the tiny shadows of crossing planets, to find new worlds.
I've always felt the strongest connection to Jesus» first disciples when I read about their various responses to the events of Passion Week — the confidence following Jesus» triumphant entry into Jerusalem, the fear after his arrest, the doubt and despair in the shadow of the cross, the surprising joy of meeting the resurrected Lord.
Much could be said in contrast about the «real Mary» of the biblical narrative: the teenage girl from Nazareth who gave birth on a dirty stable floor; the terrified mom who scurried frantically through the streets of Jerusalem, looking for her lost little boy; the woman who had enough influence over Jesus to convince him to liven up a wedding with his first miracle of turning water into wine; the grieved mother who wept in the shadow of the cross.
Those who follow the way of Christ live their lives tragically in the shadow of the cross.
What entertainments befit those who live in the shadow of the cross of Christ?
Because we are created in God's image and the grace of God is extended equally to women, we can join the company of those women who first wept in the shadow of the cross and later rejoiced at the empty tomb.
A Christian appropriation of Buber's insight might suggest a person who embodies the hope of Christ in full knowledge of the shadow of the cross.
Over him, as he went, hung the shadow of the cross.
It would take a complete lyrical analysis to show that every song on the album is haunted by the shadow of the cross, but a closer reading of the song «The Only Thing» should suffice to open the door to an interpretation the critics miss.
Here is the first clear warning of tragedy to come; the shadow of the cross is already hanging over these early events.
Later, when Dora and I were married and we had a first pregnancy that went wrong, he wrote us a deeply consoling letter: the shadow of the cross, he said, hung over the stable of Bethlehem; and when the Martyrology listing the feasts of the Church is chanted, at the mention of the Nativity the tone switches to that of Passiontide.
From now on, Jesus becomes steadily less acceptable to the people as the shadow of the cross begins to loom.
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