Sentences with phrase «shallow breathing as»

I constantly have a tight chest and I find that I am chest breathing and shallow breathing as a result.

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As Fritz Perls pointed out, we breathe in shallow, constricted ways to block out threatening feelings.
Dizziness is normal, as is shallow breathing, a slower reaction time in general, unfocused thinking, and so forth.
Here's what research is showing — that as we humans text, a few interesting things happen physiologically Our breathing becomes rapid, shallow, or non-existent (we hold our breaths until we must breathe).
Nursing mothers who are ultra-rapid metabolizers may also experience overdose symptoms, such as extreme sleepiness, confusion, or shallow breathing.
When imbalanced, it can manifest as upper back and shoulder issues, asthma, lung or heart disease, and shallow / rapid breathing.
My breathing was shallow, as was my capacity...
Most people tend to hold the breath, breathe very shallow and tighten up the body as they approach orgasm.
Breathing like this — as opposed to taking shallow breaths, which we tend to do when stressed — forces more oxygen into your cells, slows your heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation, ultimately resulting in an energy boost.
People with sleep apnea, who experience pauses in breathing or shallow breaths as they sleep, often wake up countless times during the night.
Robert Lee: Well, shallow breathing just means you're not really exchanging your oxygen and your carbon dioxide as much.
As airways narrow in response to asthma triggers (be it pollen, secondhand smoke, or cat dander), you may experience rapid, shallow breathing, shortness of breath, wheezing, and coughing.
Your breathing becomes quicker and shallower as well.
Reasons for this include poor posture, as well as our tendency for shallow breathing, particularly when we're under stress.
Someone might be able to breathe and brace to perform a dead bug lying on their back, but as soon as they stand up, they go into a shallow breathing pattern.
As a result, repetitive episodes of shallow or stopped breathing occur, lowering the amount of oxygen in the blood.
If you're upset and breathing shallow, take three deep breaths, exhaling twice as slowly as you inhale.
She sits in front of her old - fashioned darkened window, her breathing shallow, halting (as if she were sobbing, but she isn't) and at first she tries to get rid of the stench of stale air around her, waving her hand as if shooing away flies, then to her face, as if splashing it or brushing cobwebs from her lashes.
Glory remembers the relevant things: the heavy thumping of the soldier's boots as they marched near the shallow grave her mother frantically dug for them to hide in; the green strip of fabric ripped from the hem of her mother's dress to cover her mouth and nose so she could breathe easier under the dirt; the feel of her mother's hands — shredded and bleeding — in hers as they lay there together, hoping for silence and not discovery.
Watch for signs of overheating such as lethargy, restlessness, heavy panting, excessive thirst, lack of appetite, rapid shallow breathing, dark red or purple tongue, extremely high body temperature, lack of coordination, and vomiting.
Generally, there is no sign of bleeding, but symptoms such as fainting, rapid or shallow breathing, or a weak pulse are indicators of an internal problem.
If the drug is absorbed into your body, it can cause symptoms such as lowered blood pressure (which may result in dizziness, fainting, lack of concentration, blurred vision, nausea, cold, clammy or pale skin, rapid, shallow breathing), sleepiness and slower heart rate.
Shallow or poor breathing contributes to many health disorders as well.
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