Sentences with phrase «shallow breathing pattern»

This pretty much stops deep breathing in its tracks, which forces you into a shallow breathing pattern.
So, what happens if you have a shallow breathing pattern and the top of your chest and shoulders move primarily when you take air in?
Someone might be able to breathe and brace to perform a dead bug lying on their back, but as soon as they stand up, they go into a shallow breathing pattern.
Is she holding her breath or slipping into a very shallow breathing pattern and forgetting to get good deep inhales and exhale when she lifts?
A shallow breathing pattern causes neck and shoulder tightness, among other things.
Along with destabilizing the spine, drawing in your belly button also stops proper diaphragm function and promotes a shallow breathing pattern.

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The researchers recorded breathing patterns in five grey seal pups with free access to a small, shallow pool.
Become aware of how shallow your breaths are and set out to consciously take longer breaths and slow down your breathing pattern (breathe in and out to the count of four).
If it doesn't, your body can't get in a deep breath and this sends you into a pattern of shallow breathing.
Deep breathing — a shallow or irregular breathing pattern caused by stress can disrupt the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.
Discharge from the eyes or inflamed eyes, a shallow or rapid breathing pattern or perhaps persistent coughing can all be signs of something serious.
I have found that it's effective in bringing my awareness to stressful moments and interrupting the pattern of shallow breathing for a change in attitude.
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