Sentences with phrase «shallow breathing results»

Fast, shallow breathing results in diminished oxygen supply to the muscles.

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Shallow breathing can result in increased body tension.
I constantly have a tight chest and I find that I am chest breathing and shallow breathing as a result.
Breathing like this — as opposed to taking shallow breaths, which we tend to do when stressed — forces more oxygen into your cells, slows your heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation, ultimately resulting in an energy boost.
Over 90 % of modern people are shallow breathers and the result of poor breathing is inefficient oxygen intake, which is at the root of a lot of modern illness, both physical and mental.
Stress is one of the key causes of hair fall, but what most people don't know is that shallow breathing (caused by stress) is actually (the main) reason that stress results in hair fall.
As a result, repetitive episodes of shallow or stopped breathing occur, lowering the amount of oxygen in the blood.
The result is a vicious cycle where stress prompts shallow breathing and in turn creates more stress on the body.
If the drug is absorbed into your body, it can cause symptoms such as lowered blood pressure (which may result in dizziness, fainting, lack of concentration, blurred vision, nausea, cold, clammy or pale skin, rapid, shallow breathing), sleepiness and slower heart rate.
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