Sentences with phrase «shallow roots»

Heavy rain can also cause trees with shallow root systems to pull out of the ground.
Puppy teeth are super sharp and very white, with shallow roots which are absorbed back into the surrounding tissue as the adult teeth push their way towards the gum.
In the dry season, this moisture will be pulled back up and pushed out through shallow roots, benefiting all of the other plants and organisms around it.
Teachout, meanwhile, who had drawn support from the left wing of the Democratic Party, was criticized as a «socialist» who has shallow roots in the district.
It's where the name The Perennial comes from: A farm field comprised only of annual crops may see crumbly, weak soil from shallow root systems.
That's because shallow watering makes for shallow root systems that are susceptible to drought.
Shallow roots provide technocrats and corporate managers with greater psychological freedom to glide along the surfaces of the increasingly global system of interlocking corporations, NGOs, philanthropies, and international institutions.
Peas also have a relatively shallow root system which can help prevent erosion of the soil, and once the peas have been picked, the plant remainders tend to break down relatively easily for soil replenishment.
Rising temperatures are decimating snowpack, but when still frequent cold snaps hit, there's not enough insulation to protect the cedar's shallow roots so they die.
«If trees have access to a larger volume of soil, this promotes more wooded vegetation whereas shallower rooting, lower precipitation and fire promote less wooded, grass dominated vegetation zones.
Shallow rooting depth promotes the establishment of savannas.
The pretty - boy husband of Facebook multi-multi-millionaire Chris Hughes, Eldridge transplanted their tender coupling from a neighboring district (to which they had only recently relocated from SoHo) and set down shallow roots in the 19th, which he watered generously out of their joint bank account.
Trees use a lot of water, yes, but they store a lot of water and in so doing they keep the ground at a deep level of saturation that can not be done by grasses with shallow root systems.
Sedum is a popular choice for green roofs because of their hardiness, shallow root systems and low maintenance requirements.
During these dreary days when suggestions for teaching and curriculum stem from the shallow roots of positivism, Whitehead's writings are at once philosophically profound and pedagogically fresh.
The gaffe illustrated Ms. Niou's shallow roots in the district, where she has resided for only two years.
Those trees include sugar maples, which have shallow roots to get those nutrients.
Cacti have shallow roots that quickly soak up infrequent desert rainfalls, and most species do not have leaves, which are easily desiccated.
Shallow roots.
When the rainwater is absorbed by the shallow roots of pine trees, the low oxygen - 18 signal is locked in the cellulose that forms rings.
They found that plants with shallow roots, for example mosses and liverworts, were the only survivors in extremely hot soil.
Both plants have shallow roots and are green for only part of the year, unlike the native prairie grasses that once colonized the corn belt.
Annual crops have shallow roots and require continuous irrigation and fertilizer to provide the plant with sufficient nutrients.
That shallower root system inherently absorbs less micro-nutrients from the soil column compared to organically raised plants that are forced to have deeper, more extensive root systems to obtain all of the nutrients the plant needs.
Also, many scientists believe that the heavy use of chemical fertilizers, which make crops grow much faster than normal, leads to a shallower root system.
In 1767, the Age of Enlightenment has only put down shallow roots in a culture with a rich, deep tradition of barbaric justice.
Black mangrove: locally «mangle negro»: Avicennia germinans (formerly A. nitida): Family Avicenniaceae The black or honey mangrove does not have prop roots like the red mangrove but sends a line of numerous vertical pneumatophores (they look like small flexible bare sticks) tip through the mud from its shallow root system.
I've never perceived anywhere as completely fabricated as New York: whenever I walk near the intersection of Broadway and Lafayette Avenue, the landscape reminds me of a film set, an entirely constructed surface with shallow roots, populated by character actors.
«These plants need little water, so they're less heavy than other choices, and their shallow roots require less soil,» notes Lehrer, who is captivated by the range of shapes, colors and textures succulents provide.
Select a few plants that can function on a shallow root system.
The University of Rhode Island says soil compaction and thatch build - up result in shallow roots and reduces water and air flow into the soil.
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