Sentences with phrase «shame other»

I am not ashamed nor will I allow you to shame any other biological family without standing up to you.
They also agreed to become more cognizant of when they were trying to shame the other, often in reaction to feeling shamed themselves.
The HD display on M2 puts to shame all other mobiles in its class.
It's a shame other developers don't get creative with their weapons anymore (like Shadow Warrior).
Scott went from flattering the F - PACE's undeniably gorgeous looks — «It's very shapely, it has breadth, it carries its weight well — not to body - shame other cars, here» — before moving on to the 14 - way - adjustable perforated leather front seat he was sitting in.
Just a shame the other 99.9 % of users will have to skip past all your dross.
As such, it's a shame other areas of the game aren't as polished.
If you acknowledge a movie's quality but then DO N'T support it, and ALSO try to shame other moviegoers for not supporting it, then you ARE part of the problem.
Try not to shame each other for miscommunications and misunderstandings.
You don't shame the other mom.
We shame each other on the Internet because we're worried that we're the ones doing it wrong.
Other times, moms will shame other moms because they are jealous.
Lots of people consider, with good reason, that this woman's «activism» is not only silly and founded on ignorance and misinformation, but an attempt to shame other mothers who make perfectly reasonable choices about how to feed their children.
I started noticing all of the ridiculous things moms shame other moms for, and realized that while I would find some wonderful mothers to share my parenting journey with, I would also be spending a significant amount of my time either defending my choices in the face of judgement, or choosing to ignore mothers who shamed me for my parenting decisions.
But very few other toys are openly trying to indoctrinate my daughter or shame other women.
Its a shame the other countries do not get the same attention or responses like France, what hypocrisy.
I don't understand where people even find the time or motivation to shame other people on social media!
It is a shame the other Caesar usually gets credit for this invention.
i bet many of your flock only go because of the shame the others would put them through if they started to think for themselves..
It's a shame others had to endure that.
And yet today, many people are silencing and shaming others for addressing systemic issues or individual behavioral concerns with religious leadership, calling for grace — as if grace and accountability are mutually exclusive.
In fact, there are probably some ways you don't realize you're shaming other moms.
Often times, it is women shaming other women.
Let's all stop shaming each other.
You don't need to defend them (unless they're illegal...) and you don't get to shame others for choosing different.
Typically, when people shame others, they feel justified in blasting them on the Internet.
You're not shaming other mothers.
I will allow you to join the women shaming other women for their right to «kill - abort» their babies and shame me endlessly.
I am not into shaming other women who have made a different choice, but I personally do not believe there is a good substitute for breastfeeding.
It's time to stop shaming each other.
«I want people to stop shaming each other,» Johnson told The Washington Post.
Birth, breastfeeding, and, ironically, gentle parenting advocates, far too often resort to shaming other parents.
We can be hard on our sisters and many of us slut - shame others without another thought.
Can you rewrite a new, more truthful, more inclusive story that allows you to accept your participation in the hard things that happen without blaming yourself, shaming others, or taking on more than your share of the responsibility?
If there's something I can personally say I hate, it's people shaming other people's style.
We hear it every year: Pixar shames every other Hollywood studio, transcends the limits of animation, etc, etc..
Each year the nutritionists at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CPSI) assume the unnerving task of determining the most extreme restaurant meals in the United States, seeking out the meals which shame all others in terms of calories, saturated fat, sodium, and sugar.
Everyone agreed that a strong Kyoto - style comprehensive treaty was out of reach, and the future would have to rely on nations spurring and shaming each other into local pledges.
Relationships can embody a horrific cycle of unconsciously seeking out shaming others, then reacting counter-productively when shaming attempts are made by them.

Not exact matches

Like Venmo, Tilt also allows friends to send each other money — in this case for shared projects, publicly naming those who have chipped in, or shaming those who still owe.
The memo mentions the crowdsourced anti-Breitbart campaign known as «Sleeping Giants,» which encourages Twitter users and those on other social networks to shame large companies into not doing business with Breitbart.
«The companies that did that were so shamed by the others, and they had a terrible reputation for rehiring,» Thompson recalls.
Malcolm is no stranger to all forms of body - shaming, whether from herself or from others.
The new suit claims that Trump's April 18 tweet about a sketch of a man who had allegedly threatened Daniels exposed her to «hatred, contempt, ridicule, and shame, and discouraged others from associating or dealing with her.»
It's a shame we've lost some of that spirit in the age of massive executive bonuses and other perks for corporate leaders.
If you're guilty of poor social cell phone etiquette, if you Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Periscope or whatever while interacting IRL with other human beings — and if you know it's wrong, yet there's no shame in your game about it — sadly, you're far from alone.
• And speaking of new shows... Amanda Knox, the American student who stood trial in Italy for the 2007 murder of her roommate, wants to draw attention to other women who were shamed for their sexuality and womanhood on her new show, The Scarlet Letter Reports, for Vice Media's Broadly.
On the other hand, a Board might think primarily in terms of justice: «This guy has brought shame (or at least notoriety) upon the organization.
But the numbers from New Age Electronics (# 344) are enough to put other entrepreneurs to shame.
Shayla, who also had to mix shades to find her match, later said that she actually liked the product's consistency, but that she considered her favorable impression of the product itself «kind of a shame» due to its lack of availability for other people of darker complexions.
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