Sentences with phrase «shape of the curve»

At larger tube lengths, because of shape of the curve of absorption vs. wavelength, the transmission decreases rather slowly with the amount of CO2.
The exact shape of this curve varies from place to place and season to season, obviously.
The point I was making was that this version of ENSO index has what I think is an astonishing correlation with Roy Spencer's AMSR - E GLOBAL SST's, as compared here: I find it hard to wrap my head around a global lag of only 3 months, let alone the matching shape of the curves!
While the overall size of the change is unexpected, this does follow the right shape of curve, with the change at short muscle lengths being larger than the change at longer muscle lengths.
However, looking at the overall shape of the curve it might be more reasonable to suggest that neither A nor B can be inferred directly from the data.
Another way of thinking of that is asking if changeing any one or two points would alter the whole shape of the curve.
And if one doesn't assume the scaling is linear, then one has the order - of - magnitude harder problem of deriving the long - term shape of the curve from only a decade or two of data.
For any reasonable shapes of this curve, 36 % of a CO2 doubling (where we are today) equates to from 43 % to 63 % of the final temperature increase over a doubling.
«To prevent himself from being exposed to those who wished to see him, the hole was not dug straight through the thickness of the wall, but obliquely, being made in the shape of a curve
But that is dependent on the distribution of different IQ scores — the shape of the curve — remaining constant.
Not only did the data fit a power curve, but the shape of that curve was nearly identical to the one describing the Colombian conflict.
Failure to include this aspect of ocean heat content changes the shape of the curve.
The spinal vertebrae in the lower back curves inwards, but sleeping on your stomach or in a foetal position changes the shape of the curve, placing the soft tissue and disc under stress and strain.
As you can see, whenever we practice axial extension postures we need to understand what the shape of our curves is to begin with, and keep a close eye on what the spinal curves are doing when we move AND when we sit (which brings us to the second way of doing axial extension postures).
Indeed, as you can see from the gains in EMG amplitude reported by Bandy & Hanten (1993), changes in joint angle - specific neural drive tends to broadly track the shape of the curves for the gains in strength, but there are also differences.
The powerpoints show students how to get a hold of the shape of each curve (quadratic, cubic, quartic, reciprocal), the role the sign of the dominant terms plays and the effect of repeated roots (tangency).
Instead, it's the shape of the curve.
I've built a moderately - sized model to analyze the shape of the curve, and what it might tell us about the state of the economy, and perhaps, future movements of the yield curve.
Most commodity index funds are far too dependent on the shape of the curve to give you the kind of exposure you're looking for.
Of course you won't hear this from anyone at the Fed, but the shape of these curves is a very big part of the reason why short - term interest rates were cut last week and why they are likely to be cut again many times over the next year or so.
But once you move away from that spot it is the shape of the curve (convexity) that determines price changes for larger changes in interest rates.
It is a matter of judgment to say, from the data shown in Figure 12.3, what predicted return the relationship suggests over the succeeding ten years; the answer depends on whether one fits a straight line or a curve to the scatter, and since the 2000 price - earnings ratio is outside the historical range, the shape of the curve can matter a lot.
Eventually rates will rise, the shape of the curve will change and prices will fall and yields will become attractive.
Factors including the starting level and shape of the curve, as well the speed and magnitude of the policy changes, need to be considered.
It is a matter of judgment to say, from the the data shown in Figure 1.3, what predicted return the relationship suggests over the succeeding ten years; the answer depends on whether one fits a straight line or a curve to the scatter, and since the 2000 price - earnings ratio is outside the historical range, the shape of the curve can matter a lot.»
But the shape of the curve you plot should generally match the shape of the curve I have provided.
In general, the baseline is irrelevant to the long - term trends in the temperatures since it just moves the zero line up and down, without changing the shape of the curve.
There isn't much difference between satellite data and the seven estimates in the amount of GMSL growth in the past few decades, but the shape of the curves, of course, suggest very different future trends.
When Rawls claims the early - mid 20th century solar changes are responsible for late - 20th response, it occurs to me, given all the different timescales in the system, most of which I don't know the values for, that I don't have a feel for what the response to a pure - solar forcing might look like (leaving energy balance questions aside — just what is the shape of the curves?)
Taken another way, from a climate perspective, the total area under the emissions trajectory matters more for peak warming than the shape of that curve.
Depending on the shape of the curve and the amount of random noise affecting the system, in some cases a «ball» approaching a critical threshold is likely to get knocked off its track and into the opposite basin of attraction, ending up on the other track — and then get knocked back again.
With appropriate transformations, even the shapes of the curves are similar.
Most importantly the scaling: While the shape of the curve looks a lot like the temperature trend over the last 400 years, note that the entire variation from the low to the high point is only about 0.25 % — the scaling makes it look more dramatic.
However, since we are interested in studying the very long - term effects of increasing CO2 up to a factor of 10 or more, the shape of the curves shown in Fig. 1, which indicates a leveling off of the temperature increase, is the major point of emphasis, rather than the absolute value of temperature change for a doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere.
It is a reasonable approach, but it couldn't change the shape of the curves.
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