Sentences with phrase «shaped by environmental factors»

Although genes contribute to the array of abilities and limits each of us possesses, from conception forward their expression is constantly shaped by environmental factors, by the unique experiences of each individual and by purely chance factors in biological and social development.
Food choices influence body weight and are shaped by environmental factors, including physical, social and policy, collectively termed the food environment (2).

Not exact matches

The speaker in the cartoon is assuming that if homsexuals are made so by environmental factors, then all humans must be born neutral and their sexuality, in either direction, is shaped by the environment; when in fact one could also argue (and I believe the argument actually is) that humans are born hetero by default and shifted to homosexuality be environmental factors.
Every act is conditioned by early life experiences which shaped the personality, by environmental factors in the present, and by historical contingencies.
The size and shape of the pod is inherited, but is subject to considerable modification by environmental factors.
Even if they have a basis in genetic and other biological processes, temperamental traits are shaped by a combination of genetic and environmental factors both early in development and across the childhood years.
Consistent with evolutionary perspective, one's reaction to sexual verses emotional infidelity is likely shaped by environmental and personal factors.
The study adds to evidence that genes may be influenced by environmental factors to shape IQ.
How we learn is shaped by a variety of factors, including culture, gender, environmental preferences, and personal strengths or weaknesses.
Environmental factors play a part in shaping the growing puppy, but skeletal development is governed by the action of genes.
This exhibition pairs two immersive installations by Parreno that explore how objects and environmental factors left to chance actively shape human behavior and the perception of the passage of time.
Even if they have a basis in genetic and other biological processes, temperamental traits are shaped by a combination of genetic and environmental factors both early in development and across the childhood years.
It's shaped by both inherited tendencies and environmental factors, or your experiences during childhood.
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