Sentences with phrase «share different beliefs»

Then there's the risk that the individuals involved aren't compatible, share different beliefs, or simply possess traits that the interested individual might not like.
Each «Candida Diet» was written by a different person, generally a former Candida sufferer, and they all have experienced unique symptoms, followed different lifestyles and share different beliefs.
Why would you leave your friend just because she shares different beliefs than yours?

Not exact matches

You also ignore the fact that Christians have done just as bad things as those living in the Middle East and those you would call doing the work of the devil: killing those who do not share their faith, using their religious position to gain wealth and discriminate against those who have different beliefs or lifestyles.
Fascinating, that the idea of sharing a meal between people of different faiths, getting to know each other, values, reasons for beliefs, the history, the personal stories of why their faith matters... and seeing the conversation of T.V. (which sounds very interesting to me) should provoke such unattractive comments is sad.
It's very difficult or impossible to have a reasoning conversation when different but equally valid views are not respected which is what you are doing with the «hallucination» you allege exist in beliefs you do not share.
If we ever want to sit at a table and share our beliefs with one another, we have to stop demonizing that which we find to be different or «other.»
There are many different / separate churches that get lumped together as «mormons» because they share some similar core beliefs.
I am a chaplain in a mainline protestant denomination if you're wondering, and will share with you that many Christians do not believe in condemning or judging others for their beliefs however different they may be from our own.
What's needed is engagement, cooperation, and a belief that we share something important together, even if we're different in all sorts of ways.
The belief that the Bible takes precedence over any command of government is shared with people of very different political persuasions, including some on the left.
Your belief... The whole point about having a different religion is believing in different things so when you share your christian rhetoric it matters to them just as much as a the Qur «an matters to you... Get over yourself.
I seem to remember you quoting different people in sharing some of your beliefs and opinions.
It's a difficult balance, I think, to not IMPOSE our beliefs on our kids while still SHARING and EMPHASIZING what's important to us, and WHY... and why it may differ, even drastically, from those around us (I think of atheism and vegetarianism as two biggies here in our own life)- but that it's important to stay strong in your own beliefs... while allowing that others may have very different thoughts - which ALSO can be valid and worth contemplating.
While my husband and I really do share in our beliefs about birth, feeding an infant, responding with sensitivity, using nurturing touch, practicing nighttime parenting, providing consistent loving care, and positive discipline — our perspectives are different.
Find Common Interests Other Than Just Faith - It's not enough just to find a potential partner who shares your religious beliefs, as the foundation for a solid relationship comes when there are many different shared interests.
What you may be interested to know is that although many users of Christian online dating services call themselves Christians, they belong to different sects and not always share the same beliefs about marriage and relationships.
Know the catholic dating options available for singles Catholic dating sites help two different individuals who share the same set of beliefs to connect with each other.
This could remind one of couples from different religions either converting to share their spouse's faith, or meeting in the middle with a compromised version of a belief.
Thus, there was a privilege for all participants (teachers and students) to get and give information, to share their own opinions, beliefs, to confront ideas, due to this different school week.
Today in The Global Search for Education, our teachers share their answers to this question: How do you help students accept and work well with people of different beliefs, cultures, languages, socio - economic statuses, education backgrounds, and learning styles?
The two men share vastly different backgrounds and overall educational beliefs, leading the LA Weekly to characterize the election as a reform vs. union battle for the heart of the Democratic Party and the Los Angeles Times to call it «a prime example of the strange rift in education, in which liberal Democrats are sharply divided on such issues as charter schools, job protections for teachers, the authority of the federal government in schools and the value of standardized test scores.»
The HappyDogz Magic Pro Deshedding Tool shares that same beliefs, and have manufactured another one of the best deshedding tools for dogs in a similar concept, yet very different (unlike the MIU COLOR one).
Deploying different visual languages, rosenclaire propound a shared belief in the world as an ever - shifting fusion of equal components, always in state of becoming.
While working in different creative elds these artists both share fundamental beliefs in craftsmanship, creating works that draw our attention to the qualities of light and colour, and the rich materiality of the natural world.
I think they have more shared social and political concerns and feminist beliefs than one would suspect from the apparently different appearances of their work.
[10] «(d) a group shall be considered to form a particular social group where in particular: members of that group share an innate characteristic, or a common background that can not be changed, or share a characteristic or belief that is so fundamental to identity or conscience that a person should not be forced to renounce it, and that group has a distinct identity in the relevant country, because it is perceived as being different by the surrounding society; depending on the circumstances in the country of origin, a particular social group might include a group based on a common characteristic of sexual orientation.
A group of women representing 10 different tribes developed health education resources that embrace the cultural and spiritual beliefs related to pregnancy and childbirth shared by many native people.
I think that if you share the same religious beliefs that would strength your marriage, but having different beliefs can make things more difficult.
At the same time: I do share also the belief that men and women are also different in some ways when it comes to love and relationships.
We may take different academic paths in graduate school, but we all share a belief in the power of the group.
Research indicates that couples are generally more satisfied with their marriages when their belief systems are more similar or homogamous.9, 10, 11, 12, 13 In fact, the findings revealed that divorce rates were lower when spouses had the same religious affiliation, 14, 15 were generally more religious, 16, 17 and regularly attended religious services together.18 Additionally, the degree to which couples did not share the same religious or theological beliefs predicted the frequency and type of conflicts they experienced, including an increased likelihood of divorce.19 Interestingly, more disagreements were found among highly religious couples who had different belief systems.20, 21
We introduce the cultural models of autonomy and relatedness as a conceptual framework to explain different belief and meaning systems shared by different cultural groups.
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