Sentences with phrase «share those desires with»

The truth is, I believe, that the Holy Spirit desires their salvation and shares this desire with Paul.
I have had these desires for many years and now want to share those desires with others.
The desire to create a video game site fell upon young Italian immigrant Alex Fraioli in the beginning of autumn 2002, and he shared his desire with his best online friend, Ray Barnholt.

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As a dedicated world traveller — 154 countries and counting — Bruce Poon Tip founded G Adventures out of his desire to share authentic travel experiences with other explorers.
the Company's share repurchase plans depend on a variety of factors, including the Company's financial position, earnings, share price, catastrophe losses, maintaining capital levels commensurate with the Company's desired ratings from independent rating agencies, funding of the Company's qualified pension plan, capital requirements of the Company's operating subsidiaries, legal requirements, regulatory constraints, other investment opportunities (including mergers and acquisitions and related financings), market conditions and other factors.
Thousands of successful, household - name franchises began just like your business — through an admirable work ethic, a dedication to success and a desire to share the concept with others.
Generally speaking, people actively share books if: it makes them look smart, successful, or high status; they took a lot of value from the book; in some way they associate the book with an identity they desire and want to broadcast to the world.
I've spent four decades in learning how small businesses succeed and, even now, I'm plotting my own paradigm shifts in the world of entrepreneurial teaching and I'll be sharing with you this month how I've moved passed my own comfort zone - coaching, writing, and consulting - to give anyone who desires it the chance to supercharge their own small business...
Instead of arguing, articulate your desire in a language they will understand: share the vision you have of your business and assure them that you will be responsible with your decisions.
Three significant trends facing the industry are the speed and efficiency in which loans are processed, the sharing economy's impact and an incoming demographic with differing desires from previous generations.
Sharing something you did that didn't produce the desired results encourages employees to be transparent with their own missed opportunities and mistakes.
The desire to maintain multiple voting shares might have something to do with why Bombardier didn't get the full $ 1 - billion in aid it was originally seeking from the federal government.
But, through interviews, you can share the most accurate practical information with your readers who deeply desire to achieve their goals.
Whether your retreat includes work, play or a mix of both, share the agenda, expectations and desired outcomes with the entire staff.
Positive feedback includes people liking, commenting, and sharing your ad and also any desired actions taken with your ad (clicks to website for instance).
«Russia does not share America's interests,» Ryan said in a statement that appeared to put him at odds with Trump, who has expressed a desire to work more closely with Russia during his administration.
Just like the cities with a common desire for peace, your team will be inspired when they are all aligned with a shared objective.
Toni F. from Buckeye, Arizona, shared with us the difficulties she faced finding traditional employment, despite her desire and drive to work.
But over the summer, Icahn revealed he had bought shares in Apple and later discussed with Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook his desire to see the size of the buyback increased.
A business startup loan through crowdfunding will require the campaigner to share their business plan and objectives with a large group of people in hopes that multiple donations or backings will eventually lead to the desired funds.
In our Benchmarking Survey's California family office segment, the most common desire in connecting with other family offices was for the purpose of sharing best practices.
Realizing her desire to share her passion for living a life of health and wellness with others, Rebecca then achieved her Masters Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Florida State University and became a Registered Dietitian.
After you've established your desire to help and not sell, they begin to collaborate with you, share information about their company and feel comfortable enough to ask you questions.
The combination of the two bred the desire to share the amazing Pure Barre workout with others.
Our witness is that God is aware of and appreciates life; is especially fond of life that is self - aware, learns and shares knowledge through generations, and is aware of God; and God desires contact and relationship with such life.
Dr. Anne Mielnik, director of the Gianna Center, said she has spoken to many women with similar experiences: «their OB / GYN or Family Doctor actually laughed at them, verbally mocked them, or did not take them seriously when they have shared their desire to have a large family, to use NFP, to be faithful to their Catholic beliefs, or to be abstinent until marriage.
I appreciate your desire to «share» the bible with me, I do, however I, like many atheists, am one BECAUSE I've read it, not because I haven't.
Many people will find it increasingly difficult to explain» and some courts will undoubtedly share the difficulty» why homosexual adults should not seek out adolescents and teenagers to help them «feel comfortable» with their homosexual desires.
Community of the kind Christ desires can only occur with another when He is shared as more necessary than breath amidst all persons present, whether they be the person «giving» or the one receiving — Christ must not be fore - fitted to some other monstrous conceit that is paraded as «communion» and «fellowship» — the common bane of our religious activity.
The desire to share one's faith with another is admirable, even if it contradicts the faith of the other.
Often they claim to only be following God's desires with this, but I find it rather susp.icious that God shares their personal preferences.
Hence, the president will «share» with us an idea, or speak to us «personally» on radio and television, and we, in turn, intrude upon his privacy in the desire to «know» him and his kin.
Notice that the origin of Cain's evil is his desire to hold onto his own fruits, profits, and not share the best with God.
His desire to carve out a space between neo-orthodoxy and experientialists like Schleiermacher blinded him to the shared Augustinian framework with Holiness - Pentecostals.
There have certainly been times that I have desired such a life, quiet devotion, simplicity, responsible for nothing more than my own daily existence and the shared chores that sharing space with others required.
Indeed, the act that both brings new life into being and gives the most intense pleasure to all living creatures is a powerful symbol of the desire for unity with others that is shared by all forms of life.
In February's Public Square (While We're At It), Richard John Neuhaus responds to a Christianity Today article by a married ELCA parish council member and youth group leader who discussed his desire to be able to share with his church his struggle with a homosexual inclination.
Or as Tillich has it, «The appetitus of every being to fulfil itself through union with other beings is universal...» (32) Agape, the love that gives with no thought of return; eros, the love that finds the beloved valuable, and philia, the love that shares and works for the vision of the good - none of these can be reduced to sexual desire, but all of them in different ways attest to the oneness of love, so evident in sexual union, as «that which drives everything that is towards everything else that is.»
The Christian, upon apprehending grace, desires to share that same grace (or at least news of that grace) with others.
Socrates shared with the more responsible Sophists the view that the good is to be correlated with the reflectively desired.
Yet we share something with the Greeks every time we assemble for this great athletic contest: a desire to transcend the politics of the moment and reach beyond the ordinary limits of human achievement.
«Sexual desire» refers to the need we all share to experience wholeness and intimacy through relationships with others.
The motive for Christian mission is the desire to share with others what we ourselves have known of God in Christ.
It is a church, moreover, which has become entangled with the world in its desire for the increase of its power and prestige and which shares the worldly fear of insecurity.
For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed.
All of us have our share of faults and sins to account for, but the lowest of vices and «strangest secret of hell», as G.K. Chesterton called it, is the desire to pervert others, to coax and corrupt them and drag them down with you.
Prayer is the intentional opening of human lives to, the alignment of human wills with, and the direction of human desiring toward, the cosmic Love that is deepest and highest in the world because it is the main thrust or drive through the world toward sharing and participation in genuine good — and hence toward the truest possible fulfillment of human personality as God wishes it to become.
If you so desire to establish two - way respect then you can demand that the others remain at the position of attention, with their head & eyes remaining forward as a demonstration of respect for those without a shared belief.
Couples who experience a rebirth of their relationship through marriage enrichment often feel a desire to share with other couples that they have discovered.
In se x, as in Christianity, there are times when it's all about putting your own needs aside and just «giving», other times when there is give and take as well as «sharing», other times when you depend upon the help of others to give you what you need, and still other times when it's just you, alone, with your thoughts and desires.
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