Sentences with phrase «shared nature»

On the surface, their «love» seems artificial, but the real and shared nature of their existence presents a far deeper connection than computer code and memory chips.
Do you love the outdoors and sharing nature with children?
He came to share our nature by his birth.
Sharing the nature of your responsibilities or projects feels like a chore and an unwanted reminder of just how much you dislike your work.
More problematically, the assumption of human nature by God in Christ seems, for her, to be straightforwardly redemptive for everyone who shares that nature.
For if God is to share human nature with the whole human race through the Incarnation, there need to be other human beings sharing this nature by virtue of their inheritance of it through conception of a woman.
Bea loves Peter and all the local wildlife, and believes that humans are just sharing nature with animals.
Students develop a strong relationship with Wave Hill and they eagerly share nature expertise and accomplishments.
Bear in mind that many employers do not share the nature of their assessment centre exercises with graduates in advance, as they like to see how you think on your feet and react to the unknown.
«Suffering is permanent, obscure, and dark, and shares the nature of infinity.»
A Sense of Renewal bringing together the work of these five artists who share Nature and Civilization as their primary interest in their work.
Gibson has trained docents and early childhood educators at SB City College, as well as education majors at UCSB in sharing nature with students.
On the old view, you could know important things about me unmediated, by knowing something about my body or our shared nature.
Is it necessary / helpful for me to share the nature my fast with others or should I keep it private?
By clarifying what it means for Christ to share our nature it clarifies our understanding of the cross.
But spiritually, humanity is also a shared nature in Christ.
Physically we know that humanity is a shared nature because we are genetically and socially intertwined.
He appeals to the example of Christ, who, he says, «though he shared the nature of God, did not regard even equality with God as too great a prize to forego.
The acts of the earthly Jesus, for all their remembered beauty, were recognized as but the casual and partial manifestations of a love which only one supreme act had been able fully to express: He who had shared the nature and the name of God had for man's sake denied himself in a sense in which only God could: he had emptied himself, becoming a common man, and as a man had suffered both life and death, even the death of the cross...
Francois Boulard, senior brand manager at Lactalis Nestlé chilled dairy, says, «With significant growth in consumer interest surrounding treats for after - dinner sharing, it was key for us to communicate that Aero Heavenly brings something truly revolutionary to the chilled desserts aisle through the combination of textures and sharing nature of the product, reinforcing the enticingly emotive experience that a spoon of Aero Heavenly delivers for consumers.»
Chris McNamara, executive officer of the Independent Brewers Association, told the Sydney Morning Herald that, if approved: «It would certainly cut down on what we would see as the sharing nature of our industry.
My husband and I share a birthday and while I am generally of a sharing nature, birthdays...
How to Cope: You may have to accept that your teen will not be willing to share the nature of his symptoms with you.
The most promising models they found are incentive pay programs employing a group incentive design which «produce an effect over two times the average study in our sample... which lends support to the shared nature of teaching and learning hypothesis.»
For the majority, the shared nature of British values was difficult to articulate.
Many preservice teachers felt that the shared viewing of videos and construction of their Educreations explanations was due to the shared nature of the iPads within the DP.
She has also harnessed the sharing nature of social media to fortify an Instagram account called Purrminators.
On your travels to Cathedral Gorge let our guides recount the Bungles heritage and share nature's hidden secrets.
The transition to the new name, the Los Angeles County Arts Education Collective, more clearly acknowledges the shared nature of the regional effort.
In response to this growth, the idealistic future promised by new technologies was in turn co-opted by numerous artists and art theorists who emphasized the shared nature of collective experience.
If you just think about this atmosphere we all share, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil that we share — all of these things — and realize the shared nature of our living experience.
Although there's a demand for cybersecurity at homes, our workplaces need it more because of the shared nature of the network.
Sharing nature - inspired DIY, craft and home decor ideas.
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