Sentences with phrase «shareholder funds»

On average, 70 % of shareholder funds are retained in businesses and not paid out to shareholders.
And investors should challenge the strategies of companies which are using shareholder funds to develop high - cost fossil fuel projects.
This would probably require capacity expansion and new shareholder funding, but I think that would be more than offset by positive investor reaction to the news and growth prospects.
It is the US where Treasury and its previous owner, Foster's Group, have blown $ 2 billion of shareholders funds over more than a decade.
-- Argo Group's AUM has now declined by a cumulative 85 % (to $ 166 million), the $ 3.5 million Argo Local Markets Fund remains its only new fund - raising (since the credit crisis), it continues to write - off virtually all the management fees accrued & owed (now totaling $ 6.2 million) by the Argo Real Estate Opportunities Fund, and it's also tied up a majority of shareholder funds in illiquid loan & fund investments.
Leverage ratios cover debt to equity ratio, debt ratio, fixed asset to shareholders fund ratio and interest coverage ratio.
«Despite the recent Paris Agreement on global warming, the fossil fuel industry is still systematically trying to stall progress, and using shareholder funds to do so,» warns a new report by London non-profit organisation InfluenceMap.
The capital raising, as foreshadowed in the Australian Financial Review last week and co-ordinated by Lazard, «is expected to offer investors tradeable units in a «shareholder fund» that is floated on the Australian stock exchange, while continuing to allow only dairy farmers who supply milk to remain full shareholders in the unlisted Murray Goulburn co-operative,» the Australian reported on its web site.
This is another number which unfortunately does not take debt into account but gives a good picture of how the company is utilizing the shareholder funds.
Carbon Tracker Research Director James Leaton said: «Investors need to challenge the assumption that coal demand will continue to rise in China and elsewhere, otherwise billions of dollars of taxpayer, superannuation and shareholder funds will be wasted in assets linked to unburnable carbon.»
ULIP funds in case of life insurers and the shareholders funds taken together would be excluded.
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