Sentences with phrase «sharers who»

There is a hard core of file sharers who are just interested in getting something for nothing.»
We all know at least one over sharer who will post a photo for every movement their baby makes throughout the day.
An engaging, innovative, from the heart sharer who inspires educators while transforming their teaching with original, timely and use - tomorrow ideas for student choice, differentiation, and technology integration.
Kasey is an engaging, innovative, from the heart sharer who inspires educators while transforming their teaching with original, dynamic and use - tomorrow ideas for student choice, differentiation, and technology integration.

Not exact matches

On the search results page, you can click the «View Sharers» button to see who has shared the content.
Over that time, it has converted more than 35 million potential file sharers into customers who are at least paying something for some of the shows and movies they watch.
But before we come to that discussion, it will be useful for us to turn our attention to the question of «resurrection» — first, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, about which so much of the earliest Christian writing found in the New Testament, and so much of the Christian experience of discipleship, turns; and second, to consider the point of the continuing Christian affirmation that those who have responded to the event of Christ are themselves made «sharers in Christ's resurrection».
We who have been chosen in Christ, reconciled to God through Him, made members of His Body, sharers in His Spirit, and heirs through hope of His Kingdom, are by these very facts committed to full participation in His redeeming mission.
What Mary and Joseph, the angels and archangels, the shepherds and now, brothers and sisters in Christ, all of us» what they and we behold with nearly breathless wonder is the birth of the one who, taking on our humanity, will lay down his life for us in the sacrifice of the cross so that we can become sharers in his divinity.
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you who've been a part of my blog over the years — whether you are a reader, a commenter, an advertiser, a sharer, a collaborator, or perhaps a little of each — I have been blessed to make connections with so many of you.
I appreciate those parents who choose / chose not to bed share, however I don't appreciate the high and mighty, generalized and narrow minded viewpoints that end up surfacing from non-bed sharers just like I despise the same attitude from bed - sharing advocates.
At 9 months, babies who had been sleeping alone since 4 months of age slept an average of 40 minutes more than room sharers.
There are plenty of kefir «sharers» online who are willing to share their grains for free.
The big five sharers of this lucrative market are Macmillan / McGraw - Hill School Publishing Company (which owns Merrill, SRA, and Barnell Loft, who all publish basals); Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. (which owns Holt Rinehart & Winston and The Psychological Corporation); Silver Burdett / Ginn; Houghton Mifflin (which owns Riverside); and Scholastic...
Awards like «The Papillion» which is earned by the power social sharers, «The Twain» earned by those that read daily, and «The Witching Hour» for readers who read into the wee hours of the night — once an achievement has been earned the reader can than publish and share with friends on Facebook.
I owe a lot to all the indie trailblazers, data collectors and sharers (sure, that's a word), and others who have made the search for information so much easier.
People can also earn fun badges for hundreds of reading activities, like the Papillion (for extreme social sharers), the Twain (for daily readers), and the Witching Hour (for readers who read into the wee hours of the night).
Learn how to determine your Twitter engagement rate, your follower breakdown by region, who your most important sharers are, and more.
Fortunately, most folks are great, helpful, polite and fantastic sharers and yet there are a few who need to learn a few lessons about life and being nice.
In the web - based version of the Snap Map, the username is left out of the content, so if the content itself doesn't give away the sharer, the identity of just who was at that location at that time is left out.
Duty - sharers reported greater satisfaction than those who relied primarily on their partner to keep the kitchen stocked.
It is only the pirates and their misinformed hoped - for sharers in the spoils of the hoped - for sinking who want to rock that boat my friend.
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