Sentences with phrase «shares upon assignment»

If you do not own the shares, and you do not buy back the call contract, you will end up short 100 shares upon assignment.

Not exact matches

Selling, or writing, a put contract means you are obligated to purchase 100 shares of the underlying stock upon assignment.
Selling, or writing, a call contract means you are obligated to deliver 100 shares of the underlying stock upon assignment.
Selling, or writing, a call contract means you are obligated to deliver 100 shares of the underlying stock upon assignment.
Selling, or writing, a put contract means you are obligated to purchase 100 shares of the underlying stock upon assignment.
When a court issues a temporary order permitting the grandparent to take over the military parent's time - sharing, the military parent's original time - sharing order shall be reinstated upon the military parent's return from deployment, assignment, or temporary activation.
Answers are found in rights to recapture, a share, if applicable, in profits, and other stipulated rights and obligations of the parties upon any assignment.
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