Sentences with phrase «sharing feelings with»

Comprehending and understanding of a partner and sharing feelings with him / her is difficult to achieve when feelings of abandonment is present.
Another way that distance manifests in relationship is when partners stop sharing feelings with each other, instead keeping those feelings inside.
By sharing their feelings with men, most women are seeking empathy and signs that they are cared for.
They probably start out sharing feelings with someone in the form of a complaint about their spouse or their day.
Consider the fact that your children may not be sharing all their feelings with you, even when asked.
A friend of yours suggested counseling, but it's scary to think about sharing your feelings with a stranger.
They may also learn that they can feel better by sharing their feelings with others.
Sharing your feelings with a trusted, close friend or family member can be a great relief and seeking professional help can make a huge difference to your life.
New Parents John and Julie, resolve their issues by sharing their feelings with each other.
Healthy relationships involve honestly sharing feelings with another even when this is difficult.
Although warm and friendly, he is awkward sharing his feelings with others.
When the painful emotions associated with grieving don't improve over time, or when you feel consumed by sadness, consider sharing your feelings with a professional counselor, recommends in the article, «Coping With Grief and Loss.»
The researchers noted that women who struggling with their emotions following breast cancer treatment may benefit from sharing their feelings with those close to them and discussing their concerns with health professionals or participating in breast cancer support group.
Sharing feelings with a romantic partner can be difficult, but it's also necessary in a healthy relationship.
Meeting someone special; sharing your feelings with him / her; receiving love and care and many more feelings are attached with dating.
Sharing your feelings with each other shows that you care about one another and there is something more there than just a physical attraction.
By sharing your feelings with a therapist and releasing difficult emotions, your brain creates new neural connections that are less emotionally charged.
Before sharing your feelings with each other, ask yourselves the following questions:
Consider sharing your feelings with your partner.
For starters, try writing in a journal or sharing your feelings with a trusted friend.
Honest and straight - shooting youth leaders can help young men and women to break through their incipient shells of isolation and to know the value of sharing their feelings with others.
She suggested directly to Michael that he take the risk of sharing his feelings with Judith instead of waiting for other people to raise her consciousness: How would she know what he wanted if he didn't tell her?
It can be an experience of being close to another person with safety; as each partner learns to risk being more caring and more honest in sharing his feelings with the other, healing of the wounds of the spirit takes place.
Although not a supporter of Palin (or her policies), I thought this email was an interesting and thoughtful way of sharing her feelings with family and friends.
Job seekers hate when they apply for a job and never heard a word, and they're not shy about sharing their feelings with others.
Empathy is defined as «the ability to understand and share feelings with another,» so if you struggle to listen effectively it's likely you need to work on becoming more empathetic.
Hard to claim superiority when you purposely seek out those inferior minorities just to share your feelings with.
If you've got yours make sure you share your feelings with #LWF18
But as United's season died, something else born: in the aftermath of the missed penalty, Winterburn took the opportunity to share some feelings with his dejected opponent.
If nothing else, it gives you an unbiased sounding board to share your feelings with.
Share your feelings with your partner and other new and expectant fathers.
I came to the comment area so that I can see that I share these feelings with other women, not get more guilt!!
Share your feelings with us take care and Good Luck!
They will most likely talk you down from your anxious and nervous thoughts if you choose to share those feelings with them, as well.
Today parent should be always ready to communicate whenever the child wants to share his feelings with the parent.
It is also important to try and share these feelings with the NICU team.
I wasn't going to share these feelings with anyone.
Share these feelings with safe, supportive individuals whom you trust.
It's important to share your feelings with your partner throughout your baby's illness, so that you can support each other and come through this experience a stronger team.
Other key characteristics of securely attached individuals include having high self - esteem, enjoying intimate relationships, seeking out social support, and an ability to share feelings with other people.
One graduate student shared his feelings with me:
People share these feelings with other people, and those shared feelings may be powerful enough to shape an entire culture.
I now feel like I can do anything, and part of what I want to do is share this feeling with you!
When I shared my feelings with Matt, he ultimately agreed with me but our decision to not post photos of Matteo on Facebook was not easy for everyone to understand.
This is lovely moments when share feelings with someone.
I am searching someone with whom I can share my feelings with
Internet gives you all chances to share your feelings with an unknown and when you find the person compatible, you may go and meet him / her.
When they want to relax from their over-busy lifestyle and want to share their feelings with someone, they will simply turn to you.
If you're feeling down in the dumps, share your feelings with a friend and they will instantly give you 101 reasons to feel good about yourself.
Having a partner would mean that you can genuinely share your feelings with them about whichever it is, and actually, expect them to understand and empathize with you.
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