Sentences with phrase «shed emotional tears»

Not exact matches

Ranadivé was emotional and shed tears about a senseless killing.
The atmosphere was so emotional and everybody was astonished seeing her shed tears and pouring blessings upon blessings on the life of her daughter.
I'm so sensitive / emotional, that I would have instantly shed some tears haha.
Needless to say, I've been an emotional mess and have shed quite a few mom tears lately.
Kirsten Dunst got emotional at the world premiere of The Beguiled in Cannes last night, and shed a happy tear or two while walking the red carpet... just like she said she would minutes earlier.
While the battle scenes can only be viewed as impressive from a visual standpoint, where the film finally shows its fatal flaw is in the utter lack of emotional grip, as characters live, love and die, and yet no tears are shed among a viewing audience despite following these hearty heroes for over eight total hours of film time.
While adult relationships shield kid's emotional systems from the worst parts of their day, there will still be tears that may need to be shed.
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