Sentences with phrase «sheds year»

I have a German Shepard and she sheds year round, spring being the worst time of the year.
Yes he sure sheds all year round!
The top coat of the golden retriever is longer and wavy and it sheds year round.
A Husky Pitbull Mix sheds all year round, no matter which parent's traits she inherits.
A Labrador Husky Mix sheds all year, with higher intensity in spring and autumn.
Too Much Hair: Rabbits go through several bad sheds each year.
The Japanese Chin sheds year round and blows its coat twice a year.
Their short hair sheds year round but is easy to care for, and they only need an occasional bath.
The undercoat sheds heavily twice a year and the coarse hair on the outer coat sheds year - round, though not like the soft inner fur.
Sometimes jokingly called «German shedders,» the breed sheds year - round, and generally «blows» (sheds a lot of hair at once, like a snowstorm) twice a year.
This breed sheds year - round but the shedding process will be significantly more intense in the spring when these dogs blow their winter coats.
He sheds all year long.
With Siberian Husky and Pomeranian genes, a thick coat that sheds year - round is unavoidable.
The undercoat is cottony and soft, helps to regulate your cat's body temperature, and sheds year - round, especially during warmer times of the year.
This fast growth has widespread and severe negative welfare impacts on the birds *, causing debilitating physical problems ranging from heart failure to lameness and results in millions of birds dying in sheds every year before they even reach slaughter age (up to 20 million die in sheds each year in Australia).
I'm keeping a calendar out in the garden shed this year to write down planting dates.
We are gathered for the annual meeting of HEAS, which stands for the High Energy Amateur Science group and meets in this shed every year on the first Saturday of October for a day of, in Hull's words, «anything that has to do with bangs, pops and sizzles.»
You can't expect to detox years of indiscretions or shed years of excess pounds in one week.
While this breed doesn't shed all year long, you must be ready for those weeks when it does.
They shed year - round.
Yes, they shed year - round.
Corgis shed year round, although some enthusiasts believe that the feeding of a special food and regular brushing can cut down on the shedding.
These dogs shed year round and sometimes the shedding is so intense that it will leave you wondering how it is possible that the dog is not bald.
However, if you live in a warmer climate such as in Southern US States, you can expect your hairy pal to shed year - round.
Besides obesity, their biggest problem is that they tend to shed a lot, and in warm areas dogs even shed year - round.
Regular grooming will help you maintain shedding year round.
They shed all year long and need to be brushed every few days, if not daily.
Although most dogs shed all year, shedding tends to be heaviest in spring.
The down side is that they shed year around.
Yes, although not heavily, they shed all year but a daily rub - down and weekly brush should be enough to keep shedding to a minimum.
While cats are efficiently self - cleaners, those who live safely indoors shed year - round and tend to need extra help.
Like most short - haired breeds they shed all year round though not excessively.
While they shed year round, brushing their coat weekly will control the shedding.
Routine grooming is very important to keep your Aussie healthy and comfortable as they shed year - round.
Samoyeds shed year - round and have periods of heavy shedding once or twice a year as the undercoat sheds out.
The golden retriver's coat tends to shed year round but most particularly in the spring.
However, shedding does vary greatly among the breeds: Some dogs shed year - round, some «blow» seasonally — produce a snowstorm of loose hair — some do both, and some shed hardly at all.
Labradors shed all year round, with higher intensity in the shedding season, during spring and autumn.
Regular treatments can reduce shedding year round by up to 80 %!
In dogs that have such «short - cycle» fur, they will shed year - round.
Short hair and smooth coats may shed all year and require less care.
Some cats shed all year, and surprisingly, some short - haired cats shed more than long - haired ones.
While they do shed year round, they only shed lightly, so shedding can be easily controlled with weekly brushing.
While they shed year round, this can be kept under control easily by brushing their coat weekly.
Some breeds shed all year round, others have a seasonal shed.
For dogs living in warmer climates there is a tendency to shed year - round.
Though their hair is short, Mastiffs shed year - round, with heavy shedding in the spring and fall.
Chihuahua shed year round, but will shed more heavily once in spring and once in autumn.
The Blenhiem would shed year round and left white hair everywhere, the Tri-color never shed.
All Chihuahuas shed year - round, though they shed the most in spring and autumn.
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