Sentences with phrase «sheer happiness of»

This vision and this way is the meaning, the glory, and sheer happiness of the Midnight Mass: a child is born for us, and his name shall be Emmanuel: God with us.
The second is like to this: the sheer happiness of seeing in the lives and personalities of good men and women, especially the younger ones, a deepening beauty, closeness to God, willing and prayerful service, and not infrequently the giving of their own whole lives as a total vocation to God in the closer, apostolic service of religion.

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To me that was a heartbreaking picture, of course, but it was also an image of something amazing and glorious: the sheer ecstasy of innocence, the happiness of a child who can dance amid despair and desolation because her joy came with her into the world and prompts her to dance as if she were in the midst of paradise.
So even the most beautiful and lovable thing of all, a feminine youthfulness which is sheer peace and harmony and joy, is nevertheless despair, is happiness.
There is the sheer giving and ecstatic happiness in being possessed by everlasting love, and concomitantly with this and fusing with it is the joy of possessing God as He is by means of the beatific vision.36
The supersensitiveness that continually is being hurt and, once hurt, irascibly cherishes a grudge; the bare nerve of self that waits only to be touched to writhe and, writhing, tingles with rancor toward the annoyer; the evil eye that watches with morbid fascination for slight and insult and, once insulted, finds happiness only in thoughts of getting even — all this is sheer egotism in its barest and most repulsive form.
Almost said while sighing, shaking the head mixed with sheer happiness:) Question: why don't you do more gluten - free baking (aside from the fact that it never tastes as good... ha)??? This is more of a selfish question more than anything.
So, if you ever had that moment of just like pure bliss, where it's just like you're not thinking about anything, you just feel a true sense of like sheer joy and happiness, and you know, sometimes that can mean the middle of a music festival, but sometimes it's just like you wake up in the morning and you're next to your dog, and you're just like yes, like this is life right now.
Also, out of sheer happiness and satisfaction, she may offer you some amounts to support your personal expenses.
Keep these in mind and you're bound to experience sheer happiness out of a safe, secure, fun and unforgettable first date!
But it is also a tale of bravery, absurdity and happiness, and the power of these qualities over negativity and sheer grumpiness.
It's rare that an author actually lets you know that they've added and changed material from the weekly magazine version, but Mashima is proud to point out that he was able to expand the celebration in Chapter 128, and rightly so — it really helps to show the sheer joy and happiness that the town is seeing, as well as the somewhat melancholy departure of Laxus.
The friendly smiles, the natural instinct to help anyone in need, or just the sheer happiness seen in regular everyday situations are just a few of the things which I think sets the Philippines apart.
Personally, my best memories of sheer happiness include kissing sting rays; bringing The Teen (formerly known as The Boy) on a LEGOLAND pilgrimage; and taking The Girl to Walt Disney World for the first time.
Last year the reveal for Rise of the Tomb Raider during Microsoft's conference made me teary eyed due to sheer excitement and happiness, given that I am a huge fan of the series and Lara Croft means a lot to me as a character.
I vividly recall hearing stories, as a child, about the sheer joy and happiness when the controls were lifted and kitchens could be filled with prewar staples and goodies, many of which not seen for many years.
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