Sentences with phrase «sheer number of birds»

There are three reasons for phrasing the question this way — ignorance (in which case someone really believes that sheer number of birds is the problem and the cat comparison is reasonable), sloppy phrasing (in which case the cat comparison is a reasonable way to avoid the other person inadvertantly misleading readers) or deliberate dishonesty (in which case the cat comparison is again a legit way to prevent deliberate misleading).
I do think in the future I will also bring up raptors to keep it in perspective as in «no environmental group worries about sheer number of birds killed» followed by a comparison to put raw numbers into perspective «many do worry about poorly sited wind generators killing endangered birds, especially raptors» tell the story of Altamont farm and the proposed Exxon farm which was quite properly stopped.
The sheer number of birds depicted, each quietly and articulately rendered, coalesces into a greater conceptual installation, the gallery humming with a feeling of animal consciousness.
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